Search Result For tribute

Akira Toriyama Wafat (Akira Toriyama dies) – Level 3

14-03-2024 09.00

Akira Toriyama, the renowned creator of Dragon Ball, passed...

Mengapa Orang di Swedia Tidak Merokok (Why people in Sweden do not smoke) – level 3

23-01-2024 09.00

Morton, a 20-year-old in Stockholm, enjoys using snus, a...

Tesla Bukan Lagi Produsen Mobil Listrik Terbesar (Tesla is no longer the biggest electric carmaker) – level 3

18-01-2024 09.00

China’s BYD has become the world’s largest seller of...

Kabut Cina (China fog) – level 3

04-01-2024 09.00

Shanghai’s well-known landmarks vanished behind dense fog during the...

AS Butuh Lebih Banyak Minyak Kedelai (The US needs more soybean oil) – level 3

07-11-2023 09.00

The US Department of Agriculture predicts that the growing...

Anjing Tertua di Dunia Meninggal (World’s oldest dog dies) – level 3

02-11-2023 09.00

Bobi, an extraordinary Portuguese mastiff, set a new world...

Pajak Miliarder (Billionaire tax) – level 3

31-10-2023 09.00

The EU Tax Observatory suggests a global minimum tax...

Sedikitnya Air di Sungai Amazon (Little water in the Amazon River) – level 3

24-10-2023 09.00

The Amazon River, located in the heart of the...

Pekan Paling Panas Dunia (World’s hottest week) – level 2

14-07-2023 09.00

The UN leader said climate change is out of...

Pekan Paling Panas Dunia (World’s hottest week) – level 3

14-07-2023 09.00

The UN secretary general expressed concern that climate change...