Search Result For carry out

Sheep and Faces (Domba dan wajah)– level 1

15-09-2021 15:00

There is new research. People from Cambridge University carry...

Bagaimana Kepingan Salju Terbentuk (How snowflakes form) – level 3

27-02-2024 09.00

Snowflakes, with their intricate and captivating beauty, can be...

Turki Miliki Astronot Pertama di Luar Angkasa (Turkey has the first astronaut in space) – level 2

30-01-2024 09.00

Alper Gezeravcı, Turkey’s first astronaut, joined three other crew...

India Mendarat di Bulan (India lands on the Moon) – level 3

01-09-2023 09.00

India has achieved a historic milestone by successfully landing...

Tumpahan Minyak Filipina (Philippines oil spill) – level 3

15-03-2023 09.00

Volunteers and coastguard personnel tried to clean up a...

Jari Keenam (Sixth finger) – level 3

08-06-2022 10.00

Japanese researchers and the French National Center for Scientific...

Bird flu in the US (Flu unggas di AS) – level 3

28-02-2022 12.00

A strain of influenza has spread in Kentucky and...

Christmas train (Kereta Natal) – level 2

27-12-2021 07.30

The popular Christmas train returned to Colombia’s capital Bogota,...

Christmas train (Kereta Natal) – level 3

27-12-2021 07.30

The multicolored lights of Bogota´s Christmas train have returned...

Dangerous Way for Chinese Children (Jalur berbahaya bagi anak-anak di China) – level 3

17-12-2021 07.30

A group of children in China have a dangerous...