Search Result For eventually

Tahanan Menyelamatkan Penjaga (Prisoners save a guard) – level 3

20-01-2024 09.00

Security cameras captured the scene when hand-cuffed inmates broke...

Berapa Usia Bulan? (How old is the Moon?) – level 3

28-10-2023 09.00

In 1972, during the Apollo 17 mission, astronauts collected...

Elephant in Town (Gajah di Kota) – level 3

25-01-2023 09.00

Locals of a small Chinese town in Yunnan Province...

Elephant in Town (Gajah di Kota) – level 2

25-01-2023 09.00

A wild elephant wandered into a small town in...

Kucing Tertua di Dunia (The world’s oldest cat) – level 3

05-12-2022 09.00

Flossie is the world’s oldest cat; born in 1995,...

Orang Membuang Banyak Pakaian (People trash many clothes) – level 3

18-11-2022 09.00

Globally, less than 1% of clothes are recycled into...

Mengembalikan Batu Rosetta ke Mesir (Return Rosetta Stone to Egypt) – level 3

17-10-2022 09.00

Prominent Egyptian archaeologists renewed a request to return the...

Kehidupan Laut Dalam Bahaya (Marine Life in Danger) – level 3

22-08-2021 10.00

Results of a study released in 2015 shows a...

Novak Djokovic Memenangkan Wimbledon (Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon) – level 3

20-07-2022 10.00

Serbian star Novak Djokovic won his fourth consecutive Wimbledon...

Es Krim Serangga (Insect Ice Cream) – level 2

15-07-2022 10.00

In Cape Town, South Africa, food scientists turned maggots...