Search Result For red list

Pesawat Listrik Pertama (First electric plane) – level 3

05-10-2022 09.00

After months of delay, company Eviation debuted its all-electric...

City without electricity (Kota Tanpa Listrik) – level 3

30-11-2021 07.30

During a long-running battle against militants, the economy of...

Skiing in Africa (Bermain Ski di Afrika) – level 3

12-08-2021 07:00

A vacation in Africa usually conjures images of palm-fringed...

Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 3

09-08-2024 09.00

Have you wondered why US school buses are yellow?...

Aturan Baru Austria bagi Pengungsi (Austria has new rules for refugees) – level 2

24-07-2024 09.00

The Austrian government introduced new rules for asylum seekers....

Rumah Sakit AS Butuh Darah (US hospitals need blood) – level 3

16-01-2024 09.00

The American Red Cross has declared a national emergency...

Banjir Australia (Australia floods) – level 3

23-12-2023 09.00

Heavy rain from former Tropical Cyclone Jasper has led...

Banjir Australia (Australia floods) – level 1

23-12-2023 09.00

Rain causes floods in Northeast Australia. Floods come after...

Banjir Australia (Australia floods) – level 2

23-12-2023 09.00

Severe floods hit Northeast Australia after heavy rain from...