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Bayi Gajah di Sri Lanka (Baby elephant in Sri Lanka) – level 3

30-11-2023 09.00

The port city of Hambantota in Sri Lanka is...

Anjing Berhidung Dua (Two-nosed dog) – level 3

14-11-2023 09.00

A shelter in Fresno, California picked up a two-nosed...

Simpanse Melarikan Diri dari Kebun Binatang (Chimp escapes from a zoo) – level 3

19-10-2023 09.00

At a zoo in northern Japan, authorities declared a...

Titanosaurus di New York (Titanosaur in New York) – level 3

03-10-2022 09.00

In New York’s American Museum of Natural History, there...

Dogs Smell Cancer (Anjing mengendus kanker) – level 3

04-10-2021 07:30

Military dogs which used to protect soldiers are now...

Reindeer in Finland (Rusa kutub di Finlandia) – level 3

13-09-2021 15:00

Reindeer in Finland freely roam the land but often...

Sheep make a heart (Domba membentuk gambar hati) – level 3

26-08-2021 15:00

An Australian sheep farmer paid his own unique tribute...