Search Result For stress

Italia Butuh Lebih Banyak Penjaga Pantai (Italy needs more lifeguards) – level 3

07-08-2024 09.00

In Italy, lifeguards were once admired for their strong...

Satu Milyar Orang Terkena Obesitas (A billion people are obese) – level 3

09-03-2024 09.00

Global estimates published in The Lancet reveal that over...

Dunia Memanas Lebih Cepat (The world is getting warm fast) – level 3

17-02-2024 09.00

Global warming has exceeded 1.5°C for the first time...

Kuil Harimau di Thailand (Tiger temple in Thailand) – level 2

06-09-2023 09.00

The Tiger Temple in Thailand is home to 137...

Tewas Setelah Mengkonsumsi Jamur (People die after eating mushrooms) – level 3

23-08-2023 09.00

Australian authorities are investigating the deaths of three people...

Anak Muda dan Gegar Otak (Young people and concussion) – level 3

24-04-2023 09.00

According to data, 1.7 million to 3 million young...

Walrus Membatalkan Kembang Api (Walrus cancels fireworks) – level 3

11-01-2023 09.00

An Arctic walrus appeared in the British town of...

Anjing Mengetahui Yang Dirasakan Manusia (Dogs know how people feel) – level 1

09-12-2022 09.00

Dogs know how people feel. They know if someone...

Anjing Mengetahui Yang Dirasakan Manusia (Dogs know how people feel) – level 2

09-12-2022 09.00

A new study shows that dogs can tell if...

Anjing Mengetahui Yang Dirasakan Manusia (Dogs know how people feel) – level 3

09-12-2022 09.00

Experts have evidence that animals can sense how we’re...