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Mengapa Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 2

26-08-2022 10.00

Over time, most school buses in the US became...

Mengapa Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 3

26-08-2022 10.00

Have you wondered why US school buses are yellow?...

Anjing yang Diselamatkan dari Laboratorium (Rescued dogs from a lab) – level 2

19-08-2022 10.00

Last week, a large dog rescue missions happened in...

Mobil-mobil Kemudi Otomatis di Jalanan AS (Self-driving cars on US streets) – level 2

10-08-2022 10.00

In 2016, American company Waymo started to test its...

Mobil-mobil Kemudi Otomatis di Jalanan AS (Self-driving cars on US streets) – level 3

10-08-2022 10.00

Fully automated self-driving cars are no longer the imagination...

Lubang pada Keju Swiss (Holes in Swiss Cheese) – level 1

08-08-2022 10.00

Do you like Swiss cheese? Do you know why...

Dua Hewan Mini (Two Micro Animals) – level 3

03-08-2022 10.00

Bean, a dwarf micro pig who at just over...

Zona Industri Baru di Mesir (New industrial zones in Egypt) – level 3

29-07-2022 10.00

Egypt is building a vast industrial zone on a...

Beruang Memanjat Tiang Tinggi (Bear Climbs a Tall Pole) – level 3

25-07-2022 10.00

A video posted on social media captured the moment...

Ilmuwan Menemukan Dinosaurus Baru (Scientists discover a new dinosaur) – level 2

18-07-2022 10.00

Archaeologists in Argentina found a fossil of a new...