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Dog Fathers Ducklings (Anjing menjadi ayah anak bebek) – Level 3

26-11-2021 07.30

Nine baby ducklings were waddling about alone in a...

Liverpool bomb attack (Serangan bom di Liverpool) – level 2

23-11-2021 07.30

A taxi exploded in front of a hospital in...

Problems for Poland and Belarus (Persoalan bagi Polandia dan Belarusia) – level 3

22-11-2021 07.30

Drone footage captured the growing problems on the Poland-Belarus...

People in a dirty river (Orang-orang di sungai yang kotor)– level 2

19-11-2021 07.30

Last week, Hindus in northern India celebrated the Chhat...

Tourists in Maya Bay (Turis di Maya Bay) – level 2

12-11-2021 07:30

Maya Bay in Thailand was in the media in...

Tokyo metro attack (Serangan di kereta api bawah tanah Tokyo) – level 3

11-11-2021 07:30

Only weeks after two men were stabbed at Tokyo’s...

Puppet Feeds Baby Bird (Boneka memberi makan bayi burung) – level 3

09-11-2021 07.30

At a zoo in Prague, zookeepers are using a...

Michael Jordan´s shoes sell (Sepatu Michael Jordan dijual) – level 3

8-11-2021 07.30

A pair of Nike Air Ships worn by Michael...

Michael Jordan´s shoes sell (Sepatu Michael Jordan dijual) – level 2

8-11-2021 07.30

A pair of Michael Jordan´s sneakers sold for a...

Little Horse Makes Children Happy (Kuda kecil yang membuat anak-anak gembira) – level 2

05-11-2021 07.30

In New York, a miniature horse visited children and...