Search Result For ewe

AS Butuh Lebih Banyak Minyak Kedelai (The US needs more soybean oil) – level 3

07-11-2023 09.00

The US Department of Agriculture predicts that the growing...

Tewas Setelah Mengkonsumsi Jamur (People die after eating mushrooms) – level 2

23-08-2023 09.00

Australian authorities are investigating why three people died after...

Dampak Tambang Emas Terhadap Hewan (Gold mining has an impact on animals) – level 2

14-08-2023 09.00

In the Peruvian rainforest, scientists at Los Amigos Biological...

Dampak Tambang Emas Terhadap Hewan (Gold mining has an impact on animals) – level 1

14-08-2023 09.00

People in Peru mine gold. This happens illegally. Scientists...

Anak Muda dan Gegar Otak (Young people and concussion) – level 1

24-04-2023 09.00

Hannah Parmenter hits her head hard when she is...

Anak Muda dan Gegar Otak (Young people and concussion) – level 2

24-04-2023 09.00

Hannah Parmenter, who is now 21, got a serious...

Anak Muda dan Gegar Otak (Young people and concussion) – level 3

24-04-2023 09.00

According to data, 1.7 million to 3 million young...

Desa Wanita (A women’s village) – level 3

19-04-2023 09.00

Jinwar’s a village in the Kurdish region in northeast...

Dunia Digital Impian (Dreamy digital world) – level 3

14-12-2022 09.00

In 2001, Toshiyuki Inoko started teamLab as an art...

Sejarah Cincin Kawin (Wedding ring history) – level 3

14-11-2022 09.00

The exact history of the wedding ring isn’t absolutely...