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Ruang Antipeluru di Sekolah AS (Bulletproof rooms in US schools) – level 1

17-04-2023 09.00

In the United States, there are many mass shootings....

Ruang Antipeluru di Sekolah AS (Bulletproof rooms in US schools) – level 3

17-04-2023 09.00

As the fight for stricter gun laws in the...

Warga Filipina Merayakan Paskah (Filipinos celebrate Easter) – level 2

12-04-2023 09.00

Holy Thursday, also known as Maundy Thursday, is a...

Warga Filipina Merayakan Paskah (Filipinos celebrate Easter) – level 3

12-04-2023 09.00

Holy Thursday, also known as Maundy Thursday is marked...

Qatar Membantu Turki dan Suriah (Qatar helps Turkey and Syria) – level 3

17-02-2023 09.00

Qatar said that it will donate 10,000 mobile homes...

Mineral Langka di Eropa (Rare minerals in Europe) – level 2

20-01-2023 09.00

Swedish company LKAB found more than one million tons...

Memberi Makan Anjing (Man gives food to dogs) – level 3

28-12-2022 09.00

An animal lover in Jordan spends thousands of dinars...

Satu Charger Untuk Semua Perangkat (One charger for all devices) – level 3

10-10-2022 09.00

The European Parliament approved new rules for the EU...

Pesawat Listrik Pertama (First electric plane) – level 3

05-10-2022 09.00

After months of delay, company Eviation debuted its all-electric...

Anjing yang Diselamatkan dari Laboratorium (Rescued dogs from a lab) – level 2

19-08-2022 10.00

Last week, a large dog rescue missions happened in...