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Pohon Ek Tertua di Eropa (Oldest oak trees in Europe) – level 1

23-09-2023 09.00

It is 1100 ad. In England, some oak trees...

Video Istimewa Macan Tutul Salju (Special video of a snow leopard) – level 3

02-08-2023 09.00

In northwest China, people rarely see snow leopards in...

Video Istimewa Macan Tutul Salju (Special video of a snow leopard) – level 2

02-08-2023 09.00

Snow leopards are hard to see in the wild...

Video Istimewa Macan Tutul Salju (Special video of a snow leopard) – level 1

02-08-2023 09.00

In nature, it is very difficult to see a...

Gelombang Panas Eropa (Europe heatwave) – level 2

21-07-2023 09.00

Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and Poland are facing severe...

Gelombang Panas Eropa (Europe heatwave) – level 3

21-07-2023 09.00

Greece closed the Acropolis to protect tourists from scorching...

Pekan Paling Panas Dunia (World’s hottest week) – level 1

14-07-2023 09.00

Climate change is a big problem. And it is...

Badak Kembali ke Kongo (Rhinos are back in Congo) – level 2

23-06-2023 09.00

16 southern white rhinos arrived at Garamba National Park...

Erdogan Kembali Menang Pemilu Turki (Erdogan wins Turkey’s election again) – level 2

05-06-2023 09.00

Recep Tayyip Erdogan won Turkey’s 2023 presidential election with...