Search Result For solve

Bantuan Untuk Sudan (Help for Sudan) – level 1

28-06-2023 09.00

A fight in Sudan causes many problems. Over 2...

Erdogan Kembali Menang Pemilu Turki (Erdogan wins Turkey’s election again) – level 1

05-06-2023 09.00

Recep Tayyip Erdogan wins Turkey’’ 2023 presidential election. He...

Patung Istimewa di Manchester (Special Statue in Manchester) – level 3

05-05-2023 09.00

Scientists claim to have solved the mystery of a...

Ruang Antipeluru di Sekolah AS (Bulletproof rooms in US schools) – level 2

17-04-2023 09.00

People in the US continue to fight for stricter...

Tentara Prancis Meninggalkan Burkina Faso (French soldiers leave Burkina Faso) – level 1

30-01-2023 09.00

In 2018, France and Burkina Faso make a deal....

Kesehatan Digital (Digital health) – level 2

21-12-2022 09.00

Some Americans look at their smartphones and other screens...

Lubang pada Keju Swiss (Holes in Swiss Cheese) – level 3

08-08-2022 10.00

A Swiss agricultural institute made a revelation of why...

Zona Industri Baru di Mesir (New industrial zones in Egypt) – level 2

29-07-2022 10.00

Egypt is building four big industrial zones along the...

Jamur Tumbuh Dari Kopi (Mushrooms grow from coffee) – level 2

17-06-2022 10.00

A Belgian company uses coffee grounds to grow mushrooms...

Robot memperbaiki kabel kereta (Robot fixes railway wires) – level 1

09-05-2022 10.00

Japanese workers use a special robot. It helps fix...