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Ed Sheeran menang di pengadilan (Ed Sheeran wins in court) – level 2

20-04-2022 10.00

Ed Sheeran is a British singer who wrote a...

Marilia Mendonça dies in a plane crash (Marilia Mendonça tewas dalam kecelakaan pesawat) – level 3

15-11-2021 07:30

Marilia Mendonça, one of Brazil’s biggest contemporary singers and...

Marilia Mendonça dies in a plane crash (Marilia Mendonça tewas dalam kecelakaan pesawat) – level 2

15-11-2021 07:30

Marilia Mendonça, a Brazilian singer, died in a plane...

Reindeer in Finland (Rusa kutub di Finlandia) – level 3

13-09-2021 15:00

Reindeer in Finland freely roam the land but often...

Backflip over Thames (Jungkir balik di atas Thames) – level 3

19-08-2021 15:00

A professional motorbike stuntman backflipped over a 23-metre wide...

Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi sungai di Roma) – level 3

09-08-2021 15:00

An Italian tightrope artist became the first person to...

Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi Sungai di Roma) – level 2

09-08-2021 15:00

An Italian tightrope artist crossed the Tiber river in...