Search Result For solve

Robot Pekerja Makanan (A robot works with food) – level 1

28-03-2022 12.00

A Japanese company makes a special robot. It is...

Bird flu in the US (Flu unggas di AS) – level 1

28-02-2022 12.00

Bird flu is a disease. It kills birds. It...

Birds clean streets ( Burung membersihkan jalanan) – level 2

11-02-2022 07.30

Many cities in the world have problems with cigarette...

Serbia protests (Unjuk rasa di Serbia) – level 2

14-12-2021 Thousands

of people protested in Serbian towns against the plans...

First woman becomes Sweden´s Prime Minister (Wanita pertama menjadi Perdana Menteri Swedia) – level 1

03-12-2021 07.30

Magdalena Andersson becomes Sweden´s first Prime Minister. She is...

Homeless people in Brazil (Tunawisma di Brasil) – level 2

10-11-2021 07.30

Last year´s economic crisis hit Brazil hard. The coronavirus...

More people play golf (Semakin banyak orang yang bermain golf) – level 3

25-10-2021 07.30

While most sports struggled to survive the pandemic, golf...

Energy from peat (Energi dari gambut) – level 2

20-10-2021 07.30

Scientists in Estonia found a new way to make...

Airline has money problems (Masalah keuangan maskapai penerbangan) – level 1

14-09-2021 07:00

Philippine Airlines has problems with money. The airline files...

Reindeer in Finland (Rusa kutub di Finlandia) – level 1

13-09-2021 15:00

Reindeer live in Finland. They walk freely. This is...