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Sereal untuk Makan Malam (Cereals for Dinner) – level 2

05-09-2024 09.00

Gary Pilnick is the CEO of Kellogg’s, a company...

Benda Paling Terang di Semesta (The brightest object in the universe) – level 3

29-02-2024 09.00

Astronomers have identified the most luminous object ever observed...

Bagaimana Kepingan Salju Terbentuk (How snowflakes form) – level 2

27-02-2024 09.00

Snowflakes form when water vapor meets dust or pollen...

Bagaimana Kepingan Salju Terbentuk (How snowflakes form) – level 3

27-02-2024 09.00

Snowflakes, with their intricate and captivating beauty, can be...

Jejaring Sosial Anak (Children’s social app) – level 3

24-02-2023 09.00

In Dubai, UAE, parents are building their children’s social...

Fluffy si Kura-kura alligator snapping turtle (Fluffy the alligator snapping turtle) – level 2

22-02-2024 09.00

In Cumbria, people found an alligator snapping turtle which...

Fluffy si Kura-kura alligator snapping turtle (Fluffy the alligator snapping turtle) – level 3

22-02-2024 09.00

In Cumbria, an alligator snapping turtle named Fluffy was...

Presiden Hungaria Mengundurkan Diri (Hungarian president resigns) – level 2

21-02-2024 09.00

The president of Hungary Katalin Novak resigned. She pardoned...

Dunia Memanas Lebih Cepat (The world is getting warm fast) – level 2

17-02-2024 09.00

Global warming surpassed 1.5°C for the first time. It...

DJ Tertua Swedia (Sweden’s oldest DJ) – level 2

08-02-2024 Madelein

Månsson is a 79-year-old Swede who loves music and...