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Mencari kehidupan di luar bumi (Search for extraterrestrial life)- level 2

27-01-2024 09.00

Francis Drake was the first scientist who looked for...

Tahanan Menyelamatkan Penjaga (Prisoners save a guard) – level 3

20-01-2024 09.00

Security cameras captured the scene when hand-cuffed inmates broke...

Kontes Kecantikan Istimewa (Special beauty pageant) – level 3

06-01-2024 09.00

Many people enjoy beauty pageants and Lithuania is no...

Kabut Cina (China fog) – level 3

04-01-2024 09.00

Shanghai’s well-known landmarks vanished behind dense fog during the...

Festival Anjing Nigeria (Nigeria Dog Festival) – level 2

14-12-2023 09.00

Dog lovers in Lagos celebrated the annual Lagos Dog...

AS Butuh Lebih Banyak Minyak Kedelai (The US needs more soybean oil) – level 2

07-11-2023 09.00

There is a higher demand for soybean oil in...

Anjing Tertua di Dunia Meninggal (World’s oldest dog dies) – level 3

02-11-2023 09.00

Bobi, an extraordinary Portuguese mastiff, set a new world...

Unjuk Rasa Mendukung Palestina (Pro-Palestine protests) – level 3

26-10-2023 09.00

About 100,000 people gathered in central London to show...

Simpanse Melarikan Diri dari Kebun Binatang (Chimp escapes from a zoo) – level 3

19-10-2023 09.00

At a zoo in northern Japan, authorities declared a...

Simpanse Melarikan Diri dari Kebun Binatang (Chimp escapes from a zoo) – level 2

19-10-2023 09.00

In Northern Japan, a chimp escaped a zoo. The...