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City without electricity (Kota Tanpa Listrik) – level 3

30-11-2021 07.30

During a long-running battle against militants, the economy of...

Money on the road (Uang di Jalan) – level 2

29-11-2021 07.30

On Friday morning, an armored vehicle was carrying bags...

Dog Fathers Ducklings (Anjing menjadi ayah anak bebek) – Level 2

26-11-2021 07.30

People found nine baby ducklings waddling about a village...

The world´s biggest orchestra ( Orkestra terbesar di dunia) – level 3

24-11-2021 07.30

More than 12,000 musicians in Venezuela´s National System of...

The world´s biggest orchestra ( Orkestra terbesar di dunia) – level 2

24-11-2021 07.30

More than 12,000 musicians met in Caracas, Venezuela, to...

The world´s biggest orchestra ( Orkestra terbesar di dunia) – level 1

24-11-2021 07.30

More than 12,000 musicians meet in Caracas, Venezuela. They...

Liverpool bomb attack (Serangan bom di Liverpool) – level 3

23-11-2021 07.30

On Sunday, counter-terrorism police arrested three men after a...

Liverpool bomb attack (Serangan bom di Liverpool) – level 1

23-11-2021 07.30

A taxi explodes in Liverpool, UK. Police say that...

Liverpool bomb attack (Serangan bom di Liverpool) – level 2

23-11-2021 07.30

A taxi exploded in front of a hospital in...

Problems for Poland and Belarus (Persoalan bagi Polandia dan Belarusia) – level 3

22-11-2021 07.30

Drone footage captured the growing problems on the Poland-Belarus...