Search Result For red list

Mineral Langka di Eropa (Rare minerals in Europe) – level 3

20-01-2023 09.00

The Swedish government’s company LKAB says that it has...

Solusi Perubahan Iklim Tahun 2022 (2022 climate change solutions) – level 3

06-01-2023 09.00

Around the world, people find solutions for climate change....

Badai Salju AS (US snowstorm) – level 3

04-01-2023 09.00

A deadly storm hit the US and paralyzed New...

Cokelat Palsu (Fake chocolate) – level 2

19-12-2022 09.00

Only a few companies dominate the cacao and chocolate...

Mengapa Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 3

26-08-2022 10.00

Have you wondered why US school buses are yellow?...

Beruang Memanjat Tiang Tinggi (Bear Climbs a Tall Pole) – level 3

25-07-2022 10.00

A video posted on social media captured the moment...

Tambang Tembaga Terbesar di Dunia (World’s largest copper mine) – level 3

03-06-2022 10.00

The Atacama desert runs across northern Chile, and it’s...

Robot memperbaiki kabel kereta (Robot fixes railway wires) – level 3

09-05-2022 10.00

In Japan, engineers made a giant humanoid robot looks...

Birds fall from the sky (Burung-burung jatuh dari langit) – level 2

21-02-2022 15.00

A security camera filmed a flock of birds falling...

Birds fall from the sky (Burung-burung jatuh dari langit) – level 1

21-02-2022 15.00

A security camera in a Mexican city films something...