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Lubang pada Keju Swiss (Holes in Swiss Cheese) – level 3

08-08-2022 10.00

A Swiss agricultural institute made a revelation of why...

Lubang pada Keju Swiss (Holes in Swiss Cheese) – level 2

08-08-2022 10.00

After old stories about hungry mice, many random guesses,...

Robot Terkuat di Dunia (Strongest Robot in the World) – level 2

06-07-2022 10.00

A Japanese company created the strongest robot in the...

Robot Terkuat di Dunia (Strongest Robot in the World) – level 3

06-07-2022 10.00

The robot code-named M-2000IA/1700L broke the world record of...

Jamur Tumbuh Dari Kopi (Mushrooms grow from coffee) – level 3

17-06-2022 10.00

A Belgian company named PermaFungi is transforming used coffee...

Kampus Terbaru Google (Google’s newest campus) – level 2

01-06-2022 10.00

Google built its newest campus in Silicon Valley, California....

Kertas dari Jerami Padi (Rice Paper) – level 3

30-05-2022 10.00

Al Nafeza Foundation in Egypt is using a 5,000-year-old...

Kertas dari Jerami Padi (Rice Paper) – level 2

30-05-2022 10.00

In today’s Egypt, people are putting a 5,000-year-old Chinese...

Penyanyi yang telah meninggal kembali bernyanyi (Dead singers sing again) – level 3

25-04-2022 10.00

Deceased artists are performing as holograms, and they are...

Slime yang bergerak (Moving slime) – level 2

11-04-2022 12.00

Chinese scientists created a slime which can move. The...