Search Result For research

Sheep and Faces (Domba dan wajah)– level 1

15-09-2021 15:00

There is new research. People from Cambridge University carry...

Emotions of Dogs (Emosi anjing) – level 3

07-09-2021 15:00

A study has found that dogs change their expression...

Llamas and the coronavirus (Llama dan virus Corona)–level 3

20-08-2021 07:00

Llama antibodies can soon be playing a role in...

Snakes follow divers (Ular mengikuti penyelam) – level 2

16-08-2021 07:00

Australian researchers found that the large olive snakes followed...

Snakes follow divers (Ular mengikuti penyelam) – level 3

16-08-2021 07:00

Researchers from three Australian universities working on the southern...