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Kura-kura Albino (Albino Tortoise) – level 3

15-06-2022 10.00

A rare albino Galapagos giant tortoise has debuted at...

The Year of the Tiger (Tahun Macan) – level 3

09-02-2022 07.30

People in China are celebrating the Year of the...

Town in the sea (Kota di bawah laut) – level 3

28-01-2022 12.00

Until the 3rd century AD, the town of Baia...

Teenagers and Instagram (Remaja dan Instagram) – level 3

16-12-2021 07.30

Instagram said on Tuesday that it would be stricter...

Tourists in Maya Bay (Turis di Maya Bay) – level 1

12-11-2021 07:30

‘The Beach’ is a film.  People make it in...

Tourists in Maya Bay (Turis di Maya Bay) – level 2

12-11-2021 07:30

Maya Bay in Thailand was in the media in...

A very big fish (Ikan yang sangat besar) – level 2

27-10-2021 07:30

Fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea found a huge sunfish...

A very big fish (Ikan yang sangat besar) – level 1

27-10-2021 07:30

Fishermen catch tuna fish in the Mediterranean Sea. Tuna...

Whale Sharks (Hiu Paus) – level 3

06-10-2021 07:30

Scientists are diving into the waters around the Galapagos...

Dogs Smell Cancer (Anjing mengendus kanker) – level 3

04-10-2021 07:30

Military dogs which used to protect soldiers are now...