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City without electricity (Kota Tanpa Listrik) – level 3

30-11-2021 07.30

During a long-running battle against militants, the economy of...

Spiderman Climbs Tall Building (Spiderman memanjat gedung tinggi) – level 2

14-10-2020 07:30

Alain Robert is a 58-year-old French urban climber. He...

A film in space (Film di luar angkasa)– level 3

12-10-2021 07.30

Russia has sent an actor and a director to...

Climate change talks (Pembicaraan tentang perubahan iklim) – level 2

05-10-2021 07:30

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres met with UK Prime...

Climate change talks (Pembicaraan tentang perubahan iklim) – level 3

05-10-2021 07:30

Last week, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UK...

Climate change talks (Pembicaraan tentang perubahan iklim) – level 1

05-10-2021 07:30

World leaders meet in the UK last week. They...

Afghan women cannot do sports (Wanita Afganistan tidak bisa berolahraga) – level 2

21-09-2021 15:00

On Tuesday, the Taliban announced a new government for...

Afghan women cannot do sports (Wanita Afganistan tidak bisa berolahraga)– level 3

21-09-2021 15:00

A Taliban spokesperson said that women’s sports, and women’s...

COVID-19 vaccination in the EU (Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Uni Eropa) – level 1

03-09-2021 15:00

Ursula von der Leyen is the president of the...

COVID-19 vaccination in the EU (Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Uni Eropa) – level 2

03-09-2021 15:00

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that...