Search Result For protect

Dogs Smell Cancer (Anjing mengendus kanker) – level 2

04-10-2021 07:30

Military dogs which used to protect soldiers now are...

Airline has money problems (Masalah keuangan maskapai penerbangan) – level 3

14-09-2021 07:00

Philippine Airlines has filed for bankruptcy protection in the...

Illegal gold mining in Brazil (Tambang emas gelap di Brazil) – level 1

09-09-2021 15:00

The Amazon is in Brazil. The Amazon is the...

Illegal gold mining in Brazil (Tambang emas gelap di Brazil) – level 3

09-09-2021 15:00

The illegal gold mining business is booming in Brazil,...

COVID-19 vaccination in the EU (Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Uni Eropa) – level 2

03-09-2021 15:00

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that...

Texas abortion law (Undang-undang aborsi Texas) – level 3

31-08-2021 07:00

Protesters gathered in Texas after the most extreme abortion...

Llamas and the coronavirus (Llama dan virus Corona)–level 3

20-08-2021 07:00

Llama antibodies can soon be playing a role in...