Search Result For fin

Gajah Marah di India (Angry elephant in India) – level 1

15-09-2023 09.00

In India, there is a festival. There are four...

Ribuan Penguin Mati (Thousands of penguins die) – level 3

04-09-2023 09.00

A recent study reveals that the loss of ice...

India Mendarat di Bulan (India lands on the Moon) – level 1

01-09-2023 09.00

India does something big. They land on the Moon....

Misi Ke Bulan Rusia (Russia’s Moon mission) – level 2

28-08-2023 09.00

Russia’s attempt to reach the Moon after a 47-year...

Misi Ke Bulan Rusia (Russia’s Moon mission) – level 1

28-08-2023 09.00

Russia tries to go to the Moon after many...

Tewas Setelah Mengkonsumsi Jamur (People die after eating mushrooms) – level 1

23-08-2023 09.00

In Australia, three people die. They eat wild mushrooms...

Gula di Minuman Panas (Sugar in hot drinks) – level 1

22-08-2023 09.00

Experts analyse hot drinks. They find out that there...

Dampak Tambang Emas Terhadap Hewan (Gold mining has an impact on animals) – level 3

14-08-2023 09.00

Scientists in Peru’s Los Amigos Biological Station are conducting...

Kereta Api Mahal di Inggris (Expensive trains in England) – level 2

09-08-2023 09.00

A British teen wanted to get from the central...

Kereta Api Mahal di Inggris (Expensive trains in England) – level 3

09-08-2023 09.00

A cost-conscious teen wanted to travel from Sheffield in...