Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 3

09-08-2024 09.00

Have you wondered why US school buses are yellow?

(Pernahkah Anda penasaran mengapa bus sekolah di Amerika Serikat berwarna kuning?)

In the past, school transportation had no rules, and children walked or rode horse-drawn wagons to school. Later, some districts instilled patriotism with red, white, and blue busses, but the colors changed with Frank Cyr.

(Dulu, transportasi sekolah tidak memiliki aturan, dan anak-anak berjalan kaki atau menaiki kereta kuda ke sekolah. Kemudian, beberapa distrik menerapkan patriotisme dengan bus berwarna merah, putih, dan biru, tetapi warna-warna tersebut berubah seiring dengan Frank Cyr.)

Cyr was a professor at Columbia University, and in 1939, he organized a conference on the school bus. Teachers, transportation experts, engineers, and paint specialists wrote with 42 pages of school bus regulations. They decided to use yellow because black letters were easy to see on a yellow background, and yellow stood out in bad weather. The color is now officially known as national school bus glossy yellow.

(Cyr adalah seorang profesor di Universitas Columbia, dan pada tahun 1939, ia menggelar sebuah konferensi tentang bus sekolah. Para guru, ahli transportasi, insinyur, dan ahli cat menulis 42 halaman peraturan bus sekolah. Mereka memutuskan untuk memakai warna kuning karena huruf hitam mudah dilihat dengan latar belakang kuning, dan warna kuning terlihat jelas dalam cuaca buruk. Warna tersebut sekarang secara resmi dikenal sebagai warna kuning mengkilap bus sekolah nasional.)

Every day in the US, 480,000 school buses drive children to school. The federal law doesn’t require all busses to be yellow; however, safety experts recommend it.

(Setiap hari di Amerika Serikat, 480.000 bus sekolah mengantar anak-anak ke sekolah. Undang-undang federal tidak mewajibkan semua bus berwarna kuning; namun, para ahli keselamatan merekomendasikannya.)

Kata-kata sulit: instill (menerapkan), patriotism (patriotisme), glossy (mengkilap).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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