Novak Djokovic and COVID-19 vaccine (Novak Djokovic dan Vaksin COVID-19) – level 2

07-03-2022 12.00

Novak Djokovic is the number one tennis player in the world, and he is one of the best tennis players in history.

(Novak Djokovic adalah petenis nomor satu dunia, dan salah satu petenis terbaik dalam sejarah.)

Before the Australian Open, Djokovic refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine. He arrived in Australia, and he wanted to defend his title from 2021. Officials didn’t let him play because of no vaccination, and they deported him from the country. Djokovic was very angry, and only a week later, Serbia stopped Australia’s 2.4-billion-dollar business to mine lithium in Serbia.

(Sebelum Australia Terbuka, Djokovic menolak untuk mendapat vaksin COVID-19. Dia tiba di Australia, dan dia ingin mempertahankan gelarnya di tahun 2021. Pihak berwenang tidak mengijinkannya bermain karena tidak divaksin, dan mereka mendeportasinya dari negeri itu. Djokovic sangat marah, dan hanya seminggu kemudian, Serbia menutup bisnis tambang lithium Australia senilai 2,4 trilyun dolar di Serbia.)

It wasn’t clear when Djokovic would play again. He could play in Dubai because it was unnecessary to have a COVID-19 vaccine there. Djokovic said that he knew that he could have problems in the future, and he would think about getting a vaccine.

(Tidak jelas kapan Djokovic akan bermain lagi. Dia bisa bermain di Dubai karena disana tidak perlu mendapat vaksin COVID-19. Djokovic berkata bahwa dirinya tahu bisa mendapat sejumlah masalah di masa yang akan datang, dan dia mungkin berfikir untuk mendapat vaksin.)

Kata-kata sulit: defend (mempertahankan), deport (mendeportasi), lithium (lithium).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

 (Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

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  1. Do the test at Test Languages (Lakukan tes di Test/Tes)
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words. (Pergilah ke Level anda. Level 1 jika anda mengetahui 1-1000 kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Level 2 jika mengetahui 1000-2000 kata. Level 3 jika mengetahui 2000-3000 kata.)


  1. Read two news articles every day. (Bacalah dua artikel berita setiap hari)
  2. Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words. (Baca artikel berita sehari sebelumnya dan cari tahu apakah anda mengingat semua kata baru dalam artikel itu)


  1. Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time. (Dengarkan berita hari ini dan bacalah teksnya bersamaan)
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