Pertempuran di Kongo (Congo fights) – level 3

06-04-2022 10.00

Last week on Monday, heavy fighting started in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Fighters from the M23 rebel group attacked the army near the border with Uganda and Rwanda.

(Senin pekan lalu, pertempuran besar terjadi di bagian timur Republik Demokratik Kongo. Pejuang dari kelompok pemberontak M23 menyerang tentara di dekat perbatasan dengan Uganda dan Rwanda.)

The fighting began approximately 50 kilometers northeast of the provincial capital of Goma. Troops came to respond and chase the enemy; however, it wasn’t clear who was in control of the area.

(Pertempuran itu terjadi sekitar 50 kilometer timur laut dari ibu kota provinsi Goma. Pasukan merespon dan mengejar musuh; namun, tidak jelas siapa yang mengendalikan situasi di area tersebut.)

In November 2021, the M23 briefly seized the two strategic villages in a similar overnight attack. The villages were the last strongholds of the M23 before soldiers chased its fighters into Uganda and Rwanda in 2013. Since then, there have been efforts to establish dialogue and disarmament; however, they haven’t been successful.

(Pada November 2021, M23 merebut dua desa strategis dalam serangan semalam yang serupa. Desa tersebut merupakan benteng terakhir M23 sebelum tentara mengejar mereka ke Uganda dan Rwanda di taun 2013. Sejak saat itu, ada upaya untuk membangun dialog dan perlucutan senjata; namun, mereka belum berhasil.)

Kata-kata sulit: seize (merebut), stronghold (benteng), disarmament (perlucutan senjata).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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