Ronaldo’s statue in India (Patung Ronaldo di India) – level 2

07-01-2022 07.30

Officials unveiled a statue of soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo in Goa, India. Soccer was a very popular sport in India, and the idea was to motivate and inspire young people to play soccer and be good at it.

(Pihak berwenang meresmikan sebuah patung bintang sepakbola Cristiano Ronaldo di Goa, India. Sepakbola adalah olahraga yang sangat populer di India, dan ide ini untuk memotivasi dan menginspirasi anak muda untuk bermain dan handal dalam sepakbola.)

Sadly, some people were not happy about the statue because Goa was a Portuguese colony in the past. Goa became free from Portugal 60 years ago, and many people celebrated the freedom in the streets. Some people thought that it would be a better idea to respect local soccer players, because several of them played in India´s national team.

(Sayangnya, beberapa orang tidak menyukai keberadaan patung ini karena Goa dulunya merupakan koloni Portugis. Goa merdeka dari Portugis 60 tahun yang lalu, dan banyak orang merayakannya. Beberapa orang menganggap bahwa akan lebih baik menghormati pesepakbola lokal karena beberapa di antaranya bermain bersama tim nasional India.)

Ronaldo, who plays for Manchester United, is very popular in all of the world, and there are more statues of him in different countries. Ronaldo was born in 1985 on the Portuguese island of Madeira, and in 2017, officials named the country´s airport after him.

(Ronaldo, yang bermain bersama Manchester United, sangat populer di seluruh dunia, da nada banyak patung dirinya di beberapa negara. Ronaldo lahir pada tahun 1985 di pulau Madeira Portugis, dan pada tahun 2017, pihak berwenang menamai bandara negara dengan namanya.)

Kata-kata sulit: unveil (memamerkan), motivate (motivasi) inspire (menginspirasi).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menonton video aslinya di level 3.)

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  1. Do the test at Test Languages (Lakukan tes di Test/Tes)
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words. (Pergilah ke Level anda. Level 1 jika anda mengetahui 1-1000 kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Level 2 jika mengetahui 1000-2000 kata. Level 3 jika mengetahui 2000-3000 kata.)


  1. Read two news articles every day. (Bacalah dua artikel berita setiap hari)
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