Very small apples (Apel yang sangat kecil) – level 3

22-09-2021 07:00

Nikofor Ivanov lives in Yakutsk, a Siberian city built on permafrost that is located about 450 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle, and he grows a type of frost-resistant apples the size of pearls.

(Nikofor Ivanov tinggal di Yakutsk, sebuah kota di Siberia yang dibangun di atas lapisan es sekitar 450 kilometer sebelah selatan Kutub Utara, dan dia menanam buah apel jenis tahan beku seukuran mutiara.)

The apples can withstand extreme weather conditions in Siberia, they´re crunchy like ordinary apples, and they taste like apples, too. Winter temperatures in Yakutsk can drop as low as -60 degrees Celsius, and the region experiences a below-zero winter climate for much of the year.

(Apel ini mampu bertahan di cuaca ekstrim Siberia, renyah seperti apel biasa, dan rasanya juga sama seperti buah apel. Suhu musim dingin di Yakutsk bisa mencapai -60 derajat celcius, dan memiliki iklim di bawah titik beku hampir sepanjang tahun.)

Local plants had to adapt to such an environment by decreasing their size, growing close together low to the ground, and remaining small, typically only centimeters tall. Local biologists first observed this back in the 1970s when the new type of dwarf apples was born.

(Tumbuhan lokal harus beradaptasi dengan memperkecil ukuran mereka, tumbuh pendek saling berdekatan, dan tetap kecil, hanya beberapa sentimeter. Ahli biologi lokal pertama kali meneliti hal ini pada tahun 1970-an saat apel jenis kerdil tumbuh.)

Ivanov says that harvesting the micro apples is painstaking and laborious, and he never harvests all of them. The man tried to make jam and preparations for the winter; however, it was too difficult, so he just ate the apples by the handful.

(Ivanov mengatakan bahwa memanen apel mini ini butuh ketelatenan dan melelahkan, dia tidak pernah memanen semuanya. Dia mencoba membuat selai dan untuk persiapan musim dingin; namun, itu terlalu sulit, jadi dia hanya memakan segenggam.)

Difficult words: permafrost (lapisan es), withstand (bertahan), painstaking (telaten).

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