Volcano erupts near Tonga – level 3

21-01-2022 07.30

An underwater volcano erupted off the Tonga Islands on Saturday, and it triggered a tsunami warning for several South Pacific island nations.

(Sebuah gunung api dalam laut erupsi di pulau Tonga pada hari Sabtu, dan memicu peringatan tsunami di sejumlah negara kepulauan Pasifik Selatan.)

Residents were told to move to higher grounds immediately; however, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center base in Honolulu, Hawaii, later canceled the warnings, adding that the warning remained for Hawaii. Fiji also issued a warning, telling residents to avoid the shorelines due to strong currents and dangerous waves. Japan warned of waves as high as three meters, and waves of 1.2 meters hit the south of the country.

(Penduduk diperintahkan untuk pergi ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dengan segera; namun, Pusat Peringatan Tsunami Pasifik di Honolulu, Hawaii, kemudian mencabut peringatan tersebut, menambahkan bahwa peringatan itu tetap berlaku di Hawaii. Fiji juga mengeluarkan peringatan, menghimbau warga untuk menghindari gelombang setinggi tiga meter, dan gelombang setinggi 1,2 meter mencapai bagian selatan negeri.)

The eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano was heard across the South Pacific, and eventually as far as the US. Many parts of Tonga were covered in ash; the capital was just 65 kilometers south of the eruption. People there experienced a near-total blackout of power, phone lines, and Internet services.

(Erupsi gunung api Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai terdengar sepanjang Pasifik Selatan, hingga AS. Banyak tempat di Tonga tertutup abu; ibukota hanya berjarak 65 kilometer sebelah selatan dari lokasi erupsi. Warga mengalami pemadaman listrik, saluran telepon, dan layanan Internet.)

Kata-kata sulit: trigger (memicu), tsunami (tsunami), blackout (pemadaman).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menonton video beritanya di bawah.)

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