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You searched for dam - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ Kami menyajikan berita dunia bahasa Inggris dalam tiga tingkat level. Kami ingin membantu anda lebih mengerti bahasa Inggris. Sekarang semua pelajar dapat menyukai membaca dan mendengarkan berita. Fri, 07 Jun 2024 09:34:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/faviconNiL.png You searched for dam - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ 32 32 Krisis Listrik Paskistan (Pakistan Power Crisis) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/krisis-listrik-paskistan-pakistan-power-crisis-level-2/ Sat, 08 Jun 2024 02:00:40 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25885 08-07-2024 09.00 In Pakistan, many people steal electricity, so authorities are stopping this by cutting off their power. People steal about 30% of electricity in the country. Past governments couldn’t fix this problem. People bribe officials to ignore the stealing. Samiullah Khan has a repair shop in Mingora and he needs electricity for his work. But power cuts last 16...

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08-07-2024 09.00

In Pakistan, many people steal electricity, so authorities are stopping this by cutting off their power. People steal about 30% of electricity in the country. Past governments couldn’t fix this problem. People bribe officials to ignore the stealing. Samiullah Khan has a repair shop in Mingora and he needs electricity for his work. But power cuts last 16 to 18 hours a day, which hurts his business a lot.

(Di Pakistan, banyak warga mencuri listrik, sehingga pihak berwenang menghentikan hal ini dengan memutus aliran listrik mereka. Masyarakat mencuri sekitar 30% listrik di negara ini. Pemerintahan sebelumnya tidak dapat menangani masalah ini. Penduduk menyuap para pejabat untuk mengabaikan pencurian ini. Samiullah Khan memiliki sebuah bengkel di Mingora dan ia membutuhkan listrik untuk pekerjaannya. Namun pemadaman listrik berlangsung selama 16 hingga 18 jam sehari, yang sangat merugikan bisnisnya.)

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif wants to stop power theft and repair the old electricity system. New projects are slow because of money problems, so Pakistan buys expensive fossil fuels. Electricity costs 45% more than in other countries nearby, and the International Monetary Fund wants prices to go higher. High fuel prices make electricity expensive, and very hot weather over 50°C makes life even worse without enough power.

(Perdana Menteri Shehbaz Sharif ingin menghentikan pencurian listrik dan memperbaiki sistem listrik yang sudah usang. Proyek-proyek baru berjalan lambat karena masalah dana, sehingga Pakistan membeli bahan bakar fosil yang mahal. Tarif listrik di Pakistan 45% lebih mahal dibandingkan negara-negara lain di sekitarnya, dan IMF ingin harga lebih tinggi lagi. Harga bahan bakar yang tinggi membuat listrik mahal, dan cuaca yang sangat panas di atas 50°C membuat kondisi semakin memburuk tanpa adanya listrik yang cukup.)

Kata-kata sulit: bribe (menyuap), ignore (mengabaikan), theft (pencurian).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Krisis Listrik Paskistan (Pakistan Power Crisis) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Krisis Listrik Paskistan (Pakistan Power Crisis) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/krisis-listrik-paskistan-pakistan-power-crisis-level-3/ Sat, 08 Jun 2024 02:00:22 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25886 08-07-2024 09.00 Authorities in Pakistan are cracking down on power theft by disconnecting offenders from the electric grid. (Pihak berwenang di Pakistan menindak pencurian listrik dengan memutus sambungan listrik dari jaringan listrik.) About 30% of electricity is stolen, a problem that has persisted despite past governments’ efforts. People and factory owners often bribe corrupt officials to ignore the theft. Samiullah...

The post Krisis Listrik Paskistan (Pakistan Power Crisis) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

08-07-2024 09.00

Authorities in Pakistan are cracking down on power theft by disconnecting offenders from the electric grid.

(Pihak berwenang di Pakistan menindak pencurian listrik dengan memutus sambungan listrik dari jaringan listrik.)

About 30% of electricity is stolen, a problem that has persisted despite past governments’ efforts. People and factory owners often bribe corrupt officials to ignore the theft. Samiullah Khan runs a repair shop in Mingora and he says frequent power outages are ruining his business, which relies 90% on electricity. These outages last 16 to 18 hours a day, making it difficult to deliver promised services. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif held an urgent cabinet meeting to address power theft and improve the outdated transmission infrastructure.

(Sekitar 30% listrik dicuri, sebuah persoalan yang masih terus berlanjut meskipun pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya. Masyarakat dan pemilik pabrik sering kali menyuap para pejabat yang korup untuk mengabaikan pencurian tersebut. Samiullah Khan mengelola sebuah bengkel di Mingora dan ia mengatakan bahwa pemadaman listrik yang sering terjadi telah merusak bisnisnya, yang 90% bergantung pada listrik. Pemadaman ini berlangsung selama 16 hingga 18 jam sehari, sehingga sulit untuk memberikan layanan terbaik. Perdana Menteri Shehbaz Sharif mengadakan rapat kabinet yang mendesak untuk mengatasi pencurian listrik dan memperbaiki infrastruktur transmisi yang sudah ketinggalan zaman.)

New projects are delayed due to Pakistan’s financial crisis, which forces the country to import costly fossil fuels. Electricity prices in Pakistan are 45% higher than in many neighboring countries, and the IMF calls for further increases. High fuel costs make electricity expensive, and temperatures over 50°C make life harder without enough power.

(Sejumlah proyek baru tertunda karena krisis keuangan Pakistan, yang memaksa negara ini untuk mengimpor bahan bakar fosil yang mahal. Harga listrik di Pakistan 45% lebih tinggi dibandingkan negara-negara tetangga, dan IMF menyerukan kenaikan lebih tinggi lagi. Biaya bahan bakar yang tinggi membuat listrik menjadi mahal, dan suhu di atas 50°C membuat keadaan semakin sulit tanpa adanya listrik yang cukup.)

Kata-kata sulit: persist (terus berlanjut), bribe (menyuap), transmission infrastructure (infrastruktur transmisi).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

The post Krisis Listrik Paskistan (Pakistan Power Crisis) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Krisis Listrik Paskistan (Pakistan Power Crisis) – level 1 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/krisis-listrik-paskistan-pakistan-power-crisis-level-1/ Sat, 08 Jun 2024 02:00:21 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25883 08-07-2024 09.00 Many people in Pakistan steal electricity. They steal about 30% of electricity. (Banyak warga di Pakistan mencuri listrik. Mereka mencuri sekitar 30% listrik.) Authorities want to stop this. They cut off their power. Officials cannot solve this problem. People give them money to ignore the stealing. Samiullah Khan has a repair shop in Mingora. He needs electricity for...

The post Krisis Listrik Paskistan (Pakistan Power Crisis) – level 1 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

08-07-2024 09.00

Many people in Pakistan steal electricity. They steal about 30% of electricity.

(Banyak warga di Pakistan mencuri listrik. Mereka mencuri sekitar 30% listrik.)

Authorities want to stop this. They cut off their power. Officials cannot solve this problem. People give them money to ignore the stealing. Samiullah Khan has a repair shop in Mingora. He needs electricity for his work. But power cuts last 16 to 18 hours a day. It is very bad for the man’s business.

(Pihak berwenang ingin menghentikan hal ini. Mereka memutus aliran listrik. Para pejabat tidak dapat mengatasi masalah ini. Warga membayar mereka agar mengabaikan pencurian. Samiullah Khan memiliki sebuah bengkel di Mingora. Dia membutuhkan listrik untuk usahanya. Tetapi pemadaman listrik berlangsung selama 16 hingga 18 jam sehari. Hal ini sangat buruk bagi bisnisnya.)

Now, official wants to stop power stealing. They want to repair the old electricity system. New projects are slow because of money problems. Pakistan must buy expensive fuel. Electricity costs 45% more than in other countries nearby. High fuel prices make electricity expensive. Very hot weather over 50°C makes life worse without enough power.

(Kini, aparat ingin mengakhiri pencurian listrik ini. Mereka ingin memperbaiki sistem listrik lama. Proyek-proyek baru berjalan lambat karena persoalan biaya. Pakistan harus membeli bahan bakar yang mahal. Tarif listrik 45% lebih mahal dibandingkan negara-negara lain di sekitarnya. Harga bahan bakar yang tinggi membuat listrik menjadi mahal. Cuaca yang sangat panas di atas 50°C membuat kondisi kehidupan memburuk tanpa listrik yang cukup.)

Kata-kata sulit: steal (mencuri), ignore (mengabaikan), power cut (pemadaman listrik).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

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Petani di Eropa Khawatir (Farmers in Europe Worry) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/petani-di-eropa-khawatir-farmers-in-europe-worry-level-2/ Thu, 02 May 2024 02:00:55 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25863 02-05-2024 09.00 Fruit farmers in Europe worry about their harvests because of unexpected frost during spring. (Petani buah di Eropa mengkhawatirkan panen mereka karena serangan embun beku mendadak selama musim semi.) The cold weather caused concerns if there would be enough food in Europe. In Balkan countries, a sudden drop in temperatures brought snow and ice. The frost damaged fruit...

The post Petani di Eropa Khawatir (Farmers in Europe Worry) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

02-05-2024 09.00

Fruit farmers in Europe worry about their harvests because of unexpected frost during spring.

(Petani buah di Eropa mengkhawatirkan panen mereka karena serangan embun beku mendadak selama musim semi.)

The cold weather caused concerns if there would be enough food in Europe. In Balkan countries, a sudden drop in temperatures brought snow and ice. The frost damaged fruit trees in Croatia and Poland. Temperatures were as low as -8 degrees Celsius. Dutch farmers found a clever way of protecting their fruit trees. They sprayed them with water which froze, and the ice kept the buds warm. Experts say that these extreme conditions may continue all week.

(Cuaca dingin menimbulkan kekhawatiran apakah akan tersedia cukup pangan di Eropa. Di negara-negara Balkan, penurunan suhu tiba-tiba mendatangkan salju dan es. Embun beku ini merusak pohon buah-buahan di Kroasia dan Polandia. Suhu mencapai -8 derajat Celcius. Para petani Belanda menemukan cara cerdas untuk melindungi pohon buah mereka. Mereka menyemprotnya dengan air yang beku, dan es tersebut membuat tunas tetap hangat. Para ahli mengatakan bahwa kondisi ekstrim ini mungkin akan terus berlanjut sepanjang minggu.)

Kata-kata sulit: harvest (panen), unexpected (mendadak), bud (tunas).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

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Liburan Tak Terbatas (Unlimited Vacation) – level 1 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/liburan-tak-terbatas-unlimited-vacation-level-1/ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 02:00:10 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25857 30-04-2024 09.00 Unlimited vacation means that people can take as much time off work as they want. In the US, about 6% of companies offer unlimited vacation. (Liburan tanpa batas artinya seseorang dapat mengambil cuti sebanyak yang mereka inginkan. Di AS, sekitar 6% perusahaan menawarkan liburan tanpa batas.) These days, many people want to be flexible. They like to change...

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30-04-2024 09.00

Unlimited vacation means that people can take as much time off work as they want. In the US, about 6% of companies offer unlimited vacation.

(Liburan tanpa batas artinya seseorang dapat mengambil cuti sebanyak yang mereka inginkan. Di AS, sekitar 6% perusahaan menawarkan liburan tanpa batas.)

These days, many people want to be flexible. They like to change plans easily. Companies know that. Unlimited vacation is a way how to keep employees. It also shows that companies believe in their employees. But unlimited vacation is not as great as it seems.

(Saat ini, banyak orang ingin menjadi fleksibel. Mereka ingin berganti rencana dengan gampang. Perusahaan memahaminya. Liburan tanpa batas adalah sebuah cara untuk mempertahankan pegawai. Hal ini juga memperlihatkan perusahaan percaya pada karyawan mereka. Namun, liburan tanpa batas tidak seindah yang terlihat.)

Some employees can abuse the situation. It means that they will be often out of the office. Their colleagues will have to work more. Also, in summer or winter, too many people can be on vacation. It can have an impact on the company’s productivity.

(Sejumlah karyawan dapat menyalahgunakan situasi ini. Hal ini berarti mereka akan lebih sering berada di luar kantor. Kolega mereka harus mengerjakan lebih banyak tugas. Selain itu, di musim panas atau musim dingin, bisa jadi terlalu banyak orang yang berlibur. Hal ini dapat berdampak pada produktivitas perusahaan.)

Kata-kata sulit: time off (cuti), abuse (menyalahgunakan), productivity (produktivitas).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di bagian Level 3.)

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Reptil Laut Terbesar di Dunia (World’s Largest Marine Reptile) – Level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/reptil-laut-terbesar-di-dunia-worlds-largest-marine-reptile-level-3/ Sat, 27 Apr 2024 02:00:20 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25856 27-04-2024 09.00 Researchers identified a jawbone fossil discovered by a British girl and her father on a Somerset beach in England. It belongs to a gigantic marine reptile from 202 million years ago. Ichthyotitan severnensis is estimated to have been between 22 and 26 meters long, which makes it one of the largest marine reptiles ever known. (Para peneliti mengidentifikasi...

The post Reptil Laut Terbesar di Dunia (World’s Largest Marine Reptile) – Level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

27-04-2024 09.00

Researchers identified a jawbone fossil discovered by a British girl and her father on a Somerset beach in England. It belongs to a gigantic marine reptile from 202 million years ago. Ichthyotitan severnensis is estimated to have been between 22 and 26 meters long, which makes it one of the largest marine reptiles ever known.

(Para peneliti mengidentifikasi fosil tulang rahang yang ditemukan oleh seorang gadis Inggris dan ayahnya di pantai Somerset, Inggris. Fosil tersebut berasal dari reptil laut raksasa berusia 202 juta tahun yang lalu. Ichthyotitan severnensis diperkirakan memiliki panjang sekitar 22 hingga 26 meter, menjadikannya sebagai salah satu reptil laut terbesar yang pernah diketahui.)

The fossil is from an ichthyosaur, a type of ocean-going reptile that thrived during the Triassic Period. This discovery, along with another jawbone found in 2016, confirms the existence of a new species previously unknown to science.

(Fosil ini berasal dari ichthyosaurus, sejenis reptil yang hidup di lautan dan berkembang pesat pada Periode Trias. Penemuan ini, dan tulang rahang lainnya yang ditemukan pada tahun 2016, memperkuat keberadaan spesies baru yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui oleh ilmu pengetahuan.)

These findings shed light on the remarkable diversity and size of marine reptiles during the Triassic Period and suggest they coexisted with dinosaurs and could have survived until a global extinction event around 201 million years ago.

(Temuan ini mengungkap keanekaragaman dan ukuran reptil laut yang luar biasa selama Periode Trias dan menunjukkan bahwa mereka hidup berdampingan dengan dinosaurus dan dapat bertahan hingga terjadinya kepunahan global sekitar 201 juta tahun yang lalu.)

Kata-kata sulit: gigantic (raksasa), thrive (berkembang pesat), shed light (mengungkap).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

The post Reptil Laut Terbesar di Dunia (World’s Largest Marine Reptile) – Level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/bulan-ramadan-usai-ramadan-ends-level-3/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:00:48 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25832 17-04-2024 09.00 Eid al-Fitr, a festival that marks the end of Ramadan, was celebrated globally with prayers, family reunions, and festive activities. (Idul Fitri, sebuah perayaan yang menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadan, dirayakan secara global dengan doa, reuni keluarga, dan berbagai kegiatan meriah.) However, the ongoing war in Gaza cast a shadow over the holiday for many Muslims. Despite the festive...

The post Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

17-04-2024 09.00

Eid al-Fitr, a festival that marks the end of Ramadan, was celebrated globally with prayers, family reunions, and festive activities.

(Idul Fitri, sebuah perayaan yang menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadan, dirayakan secara global dengan doa, reuni keluarga, dan berbagai kegiatan meriah.)

However, the ongoing war in Gaza cast a shadow over the holiday for many Muslims. Despite the festive atmosphere, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the threat of Israel’s ground offensive in Rafah dampened the celebrations. Turkey’s President Erdogan expressed support for Gaza, and he emphasized the need for peace and tranquility. Similar sentiments were echoed in Kenya and Indonesia. In Malaysia, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim called for unity and respect among diverse groups.

(Namun, perang yang sedang berlangsung di Gaza membayangi hari raya bagi banyak umat Muslim. Terlepas dari suasana yang meriah, krisis kemanusiaan di Gaza dan ancaman serangan darat Israel di Rafah meredam perayaan tersebut. Presiden Turki Erdogan menyatakan dukungannya terhadap Gaza, dan ia menekankan perlunya perdamaian dan ketentraman. Sentimen serupa juga bergema di Kenya dan Indonesia. Di Malaysia, Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim menyerukan persatuan dan rasa hormat di antara berbagai kelompok.)

While joyous, the celebrations were marked by awareness of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, highlighting the importance of solidarity and compassion.

(Meskipun penuh sukacita, perayaan ini juga diwarnai dengan kesadaran akan krisis yang sedang berlangsung di Gaza, menyoroti pentingnya solidaritas dan kasih sayang.)

Kata-kata sulit: cast a shadow (membayangi), dampen (meredam), tranquility (ketentraman), sentiment (sentimen).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

The post Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/bulan-ramadan-usai-ramadan-ends-level-2/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:00:08 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25831 17-04-2024 09.00 Muslims in the world celebrated Eid al-Fitr, the festival which marks the end of Ramadan. (Umat Muslim di seluruh dunia merayakan Idul Fitri, hari raya yang menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadan.) But people didn’t enjoy the festival as much as they normally do because of the conflict in Gaza. Leaders in Turkey, Kenya, and Indonesia expressed support for Gaza...

The post Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

17-04-2024 09.00

Muslims in the world celebrated Eid al-Fitr, the festival which marks the end of Ramadan.

(Umat Muslim di seluruh dunia merayakan Idul Fitri, hari raya yang menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadan.)

But people didn’t enjoy the festival as much as they normally do because of the conflict in Gaza. Leaders in Turkey, Kenya, and Indonesia expressed support for Gaza and called for peace. In Malaysia, different groups expressed unity and respect.

(Namun, orang-orang tidak menikmati festival ini seperti biasanya karena konflik di Gaza. Para pemimpin di Turki, Kenya, dan Indonesia menyatakan dukungannya terhadap Gaza dan menyerukan perdamaian. Di Malaysia, berbagai kelompok menyatakan persatuan dan rasa hormat.)

Although people celebrated, the conflict-affected their mood. For many people, it is important to remember the bad things happening in the world. They believe that it is important to be kind and support each other in difficult times.

(Meskipun orang-orang merayakannya, namun konflik yang terjadi mempengaruhi suasana hati mereka. Bagi banyak orang, penting untuk mengingat hal-hal buruk yang terjadi di dunia. Mereka percaya bahwa penting untuk bersikap baik dan saling mendukung di masa-masa sulit.)

Kata-kata sulit: support (dukungan), peace (perdamaian), unity (persatuan).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Pil Berbahaya (Dangerous pills) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/pil-berbahaya-dangerous-pills-level-3/ Thu, 04 Apr 2024 02:00:45 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25827 04-04-2024 09.00 Japanese authorities have ordered Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to recall three dietary supplements due to their connection to two fatalities and over 100 hospitalizations. (Pihak berwenang Jepang telah memerintahkan Kobayashi Pharmaceutical untuk menarik kembali tiga suplemen makanan karena hubungannya dengan dua kematian dan lebih dari 100 orang menjalani rawat inap.) These supplements contain red yeast rice and they were supposed...

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04-04-2024 09.00

Japanese authorities have ordered Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to recall three dietary supplements due to their connection to two fatalities and over 100 hospitalizations.

(Pihak berwenang Jepang telah memerintahkan Kobayashi Pharmaceutical untuk menarik kembali tiga suplemen makanan karena hubungannya dengan dua kematian dan lebih dari 100 orang menjalani rawat inap.)

These supplements contain red yeast rice and they were supposed to help lower cholesterol. The key ingredient, Beni koji, contains a red mold used in food coloring. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical is investigating a potential link between the products and kidney issues. The recall also affects other products using Beni koji.

(Suplemen ini mengandung ragi beras merah dan seharusnya membantu menurunkan kolesterol. Bahan utamanya, Beni koji, mengandung jamur merah yang digunakan sebagai pewarna makanan. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical sedang menyelidiki potensi hubungan antara produk tersebut dan masalah ginjal. Penarikan ini juga berdampak pada produk lain yang menggunakan Beni koji.)

Kobayashi’s share prices fell after the company voluntarily recalled its supplements. The Health Minister urged the company to share information quickly, and the Ministry of Health cautioned people against using Beni koji products.

(Harga saham Kobayashi jatuh setelah perusahaan menarik kembali suplemennya secara sukarela. Menteri Kesehatan mendesak perusahaan untuk membagikan informasi dengan cepat, dan Kementerian Kesehatan memperingatkan masyarakat agar tidak menggunakan produk Beni koji.)

Kata-kata sulit: potential (potensi), voluntarily (secara sukarela), caution (peringatan).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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Akira Toriyama Wafat (Akira Toriyama dies) – Level 1 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/akira-toriyama-wafat-akira-toriyama-dies-level-1/ Thu, 14 Mar 2024 02:00:58 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25789 14-03-2024 09.00 Akira Toriyama is a Japanese artist. He creates Dragon Ball. He dies last week. He is 68 years old. (Akira Toriyama adalah seorang seniman Jepang. Dia menciptakan Dragon Ball. Dia meninggal minggu lalu. Dia berusia 68 tahun.) Toriyama tells stories about a boy who collects magical balls to fight evil. Dragon Ball becomes famous worldwide. There are cartoons...

The post Akira Toriyama Wafat (Akira Toriyama dies) – Level 1 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

14-03-2024 09.00

Akira Toriyama is a Japanese artist. He creates Dragon Ball. He dies last week. He is 68 years old.

(Akira Toriyama adalah seorang seniman Jepang. Dia menciptakan Dragon Ball. Dia meninggal minggu lalu. Dia berusia 68 tahun.)

Toriyama tells stories about a boy who collects magical balls to fight evil. Dragon Ball becomes famous worldwide. There are cartoons and films about the boy.

(Toriyama bercerita tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang mengumpulkan bola-bola ajaib untuk melawan kejahatan. Dragon Ball menjadi terkenal di seluruh dunia. Ada kartun dan film tentang anak laki-laki itu.)

Toriyama’s work has an impact on manga. Thanks to him, many Japanese people are interested in culture. His stories teach us not to give up. His work is important not only for other artists but also for changing politics. Toriyama’s characters are still popular today.

(Karya Toriyama berdampak pada manga. Berkatnya, banyak orang Jepang yang tertarik pada seni ini. Cerita-ceritanya mengajarkan kita untuk tidak menyerah. Karyanya tidak hanya penting bagi seniman lain, tetapi juga untuk mengubah politik. Karakter-karakter Toriyama masih populer hingga saat ini.)

Kata-kata sulit: evil (kejahatan), manga (manga – komik jepang), culture (seni/ karya).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Akira Toriyama Wafat (Akira Toriyama dies) – Level 1 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.
