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You searched for reflection - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ Kami menyajikan berita dunia bahasa Inggris dalam tiga tingkat level. Kami ingin membantu anda lebih mengerti bahasa Inggris. Sekarang semua pelajar dapat menyukai membaca dan mendengarkan berita. Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:45:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/faviconNiL.png You searched for reflection - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ 32 32 Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit)– level 1 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/three-suns-in-the-sky-tiga-matahari-di-langit-level-1/ Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:30:37 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=24354 30-12-2021 07.30 Here is news from Mongolia. Something rare happens there. There are three suns in the sky! However, only one sun is real. It is the sun in the middle. The other two suns are not real. They are only reflections. (Kabar ini dari Mongolia. Sesuatu yang langka terjadi disana. Ada tiga matahari di langit! Namun, hanya satu matahari...

The post Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit)– level 1 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

30-12-2021 07.30

Here is news from Mongolia. Something rare happens there. There are three suns in the sky! However, only one sun is real. It is the sun in the middle. The other two suns are not real. They are only reflections.

(Kabar ini dari Mongolia. Sesuatu yang langka terjadi disana. Ada tiga matahari di langit! Namun, hanya satu matahari yang asli. Itu adalah matahari yang berada di tengah. Dua matahari lainnya tidak nyata. Mereka hanya pantulan.)

This can happen only in special conditions. It must be very cold, for example.

(Ini bisa terjadi hanya dalam situasi khusus. Misalnya, ketika sangat dingin.)

Kata-kata sulitrare (langka)reflection (pantulan)condition (situasi).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menonton video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit)– level 1 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/three-suns-in-the-sky-tiga-matahari-di-langit-level-3/ Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:30:37 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=24359 30-12-2021 07.30 A rare celestial phenomenon appeared in Mongolia, and it looked like there were three suns in the sky. The middle sun was the one we usually see every day, but the ones on either side were the sun’s smaller reflections. (Sebuah fenomena langit langka muncul di Mongolia, dan itu kelihatannya seperti ada tiga matahari di langit. Matahari yang...

The post Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

30-12-2021 07.30

A rare celestial phenomenon appeared in Mongolia, and it looked like there were three suns in the sky. The middle sun was the one we usually see every day, but the ones on either side were the sun’s smaller reflections.

(Sebuah fenomena langit langka muncul di Mongolia, dan itu kelihatannya seperti ada tiga matahari di langit. Matahari yang berada di tengah adalah matahari yang biasanya kita saksikan setiap hari, tetapi yang berada di kedua sisinya adalah pantulan matahari yang lebih kecil.)

A local meteorological centre explained that the optical phenomenon is known as an anthelion, which means that the reflection is caused by sunshine high in the sky and light passing through snow crystals in the air.

(Pusat meteorologi lokal menjelaskan bahwa fenomena optic itu dikenal sebagai anthelia, yang berarti bahwa pantulan itu disebabkan oleh cahaya matahari di langit yang tinggi dan cahaya melintasi kristal salju di udara.)

An anthelion can appear when the temperature is lower than -30°C, and the air is filled with clouds, vapour and ice crystals.

(Anthelia bisa muncul ketika suhu lebih rendah dari -30°C, dan udara terisi awan, uap dan Kristal es.)

Kata-kata sulit: celestial (langit), phenomenon (fenomena), vapour (uap).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menonton video beritanya di bawah.)

The post Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit)– level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/three-suns-in-the-sky-tiga-matahari-di-langit-level-2/ Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:30:10 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=24357 30-12-2021 07.30 A rare phenomenon appeared in Mongolia. It looked like there were three suns in the sky! The sun in the middle was real. The two other suns on the left and on the right were the sun’s smaller reflections. (Sebuah fenomena langka muncul di Mongolia. Kelihatannya seperti ada tiga matahari di langit! Matahari yang berada di tengah adalah...

The post Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit)– level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

30-12-2021 07.30

A rare phenomenon appeared in Mongolia. It looked like there were three suns in the sky! The sun in the middle was real. The two other suns on the left and on the right were the sun’s smaller reflections.

(Sebuah fenomena langka muncul di Mongolia. Kelihatannya seperti ada tiga matahari di langit! Matahari yang berada di tengah adalah yang asli. Dua matahari lainnya yang berada di sebelah kiri dan kanan merupakan pantulan kecil matahari.)

This phenomenon appears only in very specific conditions. The temperature must be lower than -30°C and the air must be filled with clouds and vapour.

(Fenomena ini muncul hanya dalam situasi tertentu. Suhu harus lebih rendah dari -30°C dan udara harus terisi awan dan uap.)

Kata-kata sulit: phenomenon (fenomena), reflection (pantulan),  vapour (uap).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menonton video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Three Suns in the Sky (Tiga Matahari di Langit)– level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Snakes follow divers (Ular mengikuti penyelam) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/snakes-follow-divers-level-3/ Mon, 16 Aug 2021 06:00:55 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=23407 16-08-2021 07:00 Researchers from three Australian universities working on the southern Great Barrier Reef found that male snakes approached divers, coiled around their fins, and struck at camera reflections. (Peneliti dari tiga universitas Australia yang bertugas di bagian selatan Great Barrier Reef menemukan bahwa ular jantan mendekati para penyelam, bergelung di sekitar kaki katak mereka, dan menyerang refkleksi kamera.) The...

The post Snakes follow divers (Ular mengikuti penyelam) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

16-08-2021 07:00

Researchers from three Australian universities working on the southern Great Barrier Reef found that male snakes approached divers, coiled around their fins, and struck at camera reflections.

(Peneliti dari tiga universitas Australia yang bertugas di bagian selatan Great Barrier Reef menemukan bahwa ular jantan mendekati para penyelam, bergelung di sekitar kaki katak mereka, dan menyerang refkleksi kamera.)

The large olive sea snakes are especially active in the southern winter during breeding season. Divers are at risk of being bitten by the sexually aroused snakes who mistake the divers for their potential mates. The stakes are very high because the snakes have the capacity to bite humans with a deadly venom.

(Ular laut besar olive aktif khususnya di musim dingin bagian selatan selama musim kawin. Para penyelam beresiko digigit oleh ular yang terangsang dan keliru mengira penyelam adalah pasangannya. Ini sangat beresiko karena ular ini dapat menggigit manusia dengan racun mematikan.)

The olive sea snake is the most common sea snake along the northern coast of Australia. Growing to lengths of over two meters, this species is well adapted to a life on coral reefs. It´s a true snake, and, like all reptiles, it breathes air. However, unlike the sea turtles, crocodiles, and other marine reptiles, which must nest on shore, the snake´s entire life occurs in the ocean.

(Ular laut olive paling adalah ular laut yang paling banyak di sepanjang laut utara Australia. Panjangnya dapat mencapai lebih dari dua meter, seperti semua reptil, ular ini membutuhkan udara untuk bernafas. Namun, tidak seperti kura-kura laut, buaya, dan reptil laut lainnya, yang harus bersarang di pantai, ular ini menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya di laut.)

Kata-kata sulit: aroused (terangsang), the stakes are high (beresiko), venom (racun), reptile (reptil).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menonton video di bawah.)

The post Snakes follow divers (Ular mengikuti penyelam) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi sungai di Roma) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/across-the-river-in-rome-menyeberangi-sungai-di-roma-level-3/ Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:00:45 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=12913 09-08-2021 15:00 An Italian tightrope artist became the first person to high-wire across the Tiber river in Rome, travelling 135 metres over a 20-metre drop. Andrea Loreni, the artist, holds the record in Italy for the longest and highest tightrope walk. (Seorang seniman tali dari Italia menjadi orang pertama yang menyeberangi sungai Tiber di Roma dengan tali, berjalan di atas...

The post Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi sungai di Roma) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

09-08-2021 15:00

An Italian tightrope artist became the first person to high-wire across the Tiber river in Rome, travelling 135 metres over a 20-metre drop. Andrea Loreni, the artist, holds the record in Italy for the longest and highest tightrope walk.

(Seorang seniman tali dari Italia menjadi orang pertama yang menyeberangi sungai Tiber di Roma dengan tali, berjalan di atas tali sepanjang 135 meter dan tinggi 20 meter. Andrea Loreni, sang seniman, memegang rekor meniti tali terpanjang dan tertinggi di Italia.)

The artist said that it was difficult because of external factors like the wind, the rain and the LED light reflections on the water – there was so much input that it risked creating confusion. He coped by choosing one spot and focusing on it.

(Seniman itu berkata bahwa aksinya sulit karena faktor luar seperti angin, hujan dan pantulan cahaya lampu di permukaan air – ada begitu banyak cahaya sehingga berisiko menimbulkan kebingungan. Dia berhasil dengan menentukan satu titik dan fokus kesana.)

Nervous onlookers let out a sigh of relief when Loreni made it through the wind and rain to the other end.

(Para penonton yang gugup bernafas lega setelah Loreni berhasil melewati angin dan hujan dan mencapai ujung tali.)

Kata-kata sulit: high-wire (kabel-tinggi), input (masukan), cope (berhasil).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menonton video berita di bawah.)

The post Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi sungai di Roma) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi Sungai di Roma) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/across-the-river-in-rome-level-2/ Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:00:17 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=12914 09-08-2021 15:00 An Italian tightrope artist crossed the Tiber river in Rome. He became the first person to do this. He went across a 135-metre-long wire which was 20 metres above the water. (Seorang seniman tali Italia menyeberangi sungai Tiber di Roma. Dia menjadi orang pertama yang melakukannya. Dia menyeberang sejauh 136 meter dengan ketinggian 20 meter dari permukaan sungai)...

The post Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi Sungai di Roma) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

09-08-2021 15:00

An Italian tightrope artist crossed the Tiber river in Rome. He became the first person to do this. He went across a 135-metre-long wire which was 20 metres above the water.

(Seorang seniman tali Italia menyeberangi sungai Tiber di Roma. Dia menjadi orang pertama yang melakukannya. Dia menyeberang sejauh 136 meter dengan ketinggian 20 meter dari permukaan sungai)

The artist now holds the record in Italy for the longest and highest tightrope walk. He said that the walk was difficult because of the wind, rain, and many light reflections on the water. He had to focus on one spot and keep moving.

(Seniman itu kini menjadi pemegang rekor meniti tali terpanjang dan tertinggi di Italia. Dia mengatakan bahwa aksinya itu sulit karena angin, hujan dan banyaknya pantulan cahaya di permukaan air. Dia harus fokus pada satu titik dan terus melangkah)

Kata-kata sulit: reflection (pantulan), focus (fokus), spot (titik).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menonton video originalnya di Level 3)

The post Across the River in Rome (Menyeberangi Sungai di Roma) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.
