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You searched for talented - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ Kami menyajikan berita dunia bahasa Inggris dalam tiga tingkat level. Kami ingin membantu anda lebih mengerti bahasa Inggris. Sekarang semua pelajar dapat menyukai membaca dan mendengarkan berita. Thu, 07 Mar 2024 01:51:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/faviconNiL.png You searched for talented - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ 32 32 Paul Pogba Dilarang Bermain Sepakbola (Paul Pogba banned from football) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/paul-pogba-dilarang-bermain-sepakbola-paul-pogba-banned-from-football-level-2/ Thu, 07 Mar 2024 02:00:23 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25782 07-03-2024 09.00 A famous football player Paul Pogba received a four-year ban from football due to doping. (Seorang pemain sepak bola terkenal, Paul Pogba, menerima larangan bermain empat tahun dari sepak bola karena doping.) A drug test found high testosterone levels after a match. The match happened in August last year, and Italy’s anti-doping tribunal banned Pogba from football until...

The post Paul Pogba Dilarang Bermain Sepakbola (Paul Pogba banned from football) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

07-03-2024 09.00

A famous football player Paul Pogba received a four-year ban from football due to doping.

(Seorang pemain sepak bola terkenal, Paul Pogba, menerima larangan bermain empat tahun dari sepak bola karena doping.)

A drug test found high testosterone levels after a match. The match happened in August last year, and Italy’s anti-doping tribunal banned Pogba from football until August 2027. Pogba, who is 30 years old, plans to appeal. If he is not successful, this ban may end his career. Pogba played at Manchester United and Juventus, and he won the World Cup with France. He is a talented football player, but he had many injuries and his performance was not good all the time.

(Sebuah tes obat-obatan menemukan kadar testosteron yang tinggi setelah pertandingan. Pertandingan tersebut terjadi Agustus tahun lalu, dan pengadilan anti-doping Italia melarang Pogba bermain sepak bola hingga Agustus 2027. Pogba, yang berusia 30 tahun, berencana untuk mengajukan banding. Jika ia tidak berhasil, larangan ini dapat mengakhiri karirnya. Pogba pernah bermain di Manchester United dan Juventus, dan memenangkan Piala Dunia bersama Perancis. Ia adalah seorang pemain sepak bola yang berbakat, namun mengalami banyak cedera dan penampilannya tidak konsisten.)

Pogba said that he took the substance by accident, but it may be difficult to prove it.

(Pogba mengatakan bahwa ia mengonsumsi zat tersebut secara tidak sengaja, namun mungkin sulit untuk membuktikannya.)

Kata-kata sulit: appeal (banding), performance (penampilan), prove (membuktikan).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Paul Pogba Dilarang Bermain Sepakbola (Paul Pogba banned from football) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Novak Djokovic Memenangkan Wimbledon (Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/novak-djokovic-memenangkan-wimbledon-novak-djokovic-wins-wimbledon-level-2/ Wed, 20 Jul 2022 03:00:04 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=24765 20-07-2022 10.00 Last weekend, Novak Djokovic won his seventh Wimbledon title. In the final, he beat Australian Nick Kyrgios. (Pekan lalu, Novak Djokovic memenangkan gelar Wimbledon ketujuhnya. Di Final, dia mengalahkan Nick Kyrgios asal Australia.) Kyrgios qualified for the final after Rafael Nadal stopped at Wimbledon because of injury. It was the first final for Kyrgios, and Djokovic was the...

The post Novak Djokovic Memenangkan Wimbledon (Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

20-07-2022 10.00

Last weekend, Novak Djokovic won his seventh Wimbledon title. In the final, he beat Australian Nick Kyrgios.

(Pekan lalu, Novak Djokovic memenangkan gelar Wimbledon ketujuhnya. Di Final, dia mengalahkan Nick Kyrgios asal Australia.)

Kyrgios qualified for the final after Rafael Nadal stopped at Wimbledon because of injury. It was the first final for Kyrgios, and Djokovic was the game favorite, but Kyrgios wasn’t afraid of the Serbian star. He played very well, and he served 30 aces. Djokovic still won his fourth consecutive Wimbledon title in men’s singles.

(Kyrgios lolos ke final setelah Rafael Nadal terhenti di Wimbledon karena cedera. Itu merupakan final pertama bagi Kyrgios, dan Djokovic adalah favorit penonton, tetapi Djokovic tidak gentar menghadapi bintang Serbia ini. Dia bermain sangat baik, dan menghasilkan servis ace sebanyak 30. Djokovic tetap memenangkan gelar tunggal putra Wimbledon keempat berturut-turut.)

After the game, Djokovic said that Kyrgios played very well and was talented. Also, Djokovic said that the Wimbledon final wasn’t the last for Kyrgios.

(Usai pertandingan, Djokovic mengatakan Kyrgios bermain sangat baik dan berbakat. Djokovic juga mengatakan final Wimbledon tersebut bukan yang terakhir bagi Kyrgios.)

Kata-kata sulit: qualify (lolos), favorite (favorit), consecutive (berturut-turut).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Novak Djokovic Memenangkan Wimbledon (Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Rolling Stones drummer dies (Penabuh drum Rolling Stones tutup usia) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/rolling-stones-drummer-dies-level-2/ Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:00:18 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=23437 24-08-2021 07:00 Charlie Watts, the Rolling Stones drummer, died last week at the age of 80. (Charlie Watts, penabuh drum Rolling Stones, meninggal dunia minggu lalu dalam usia 80 tahun.) Watts was born in London, UK, in 1941, and he joined the band in January 1963. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Brian Jones were in the band, but they were...

The post Rolling Stones drummer dies (Penabuh drum Rolling Stones tutup usia) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

24-08-2021 07:00

Charlie Watts, the Rolling Stones drummer, died last week at the age of 80.

(Charlie Watts, penabuh drum Rolling Stones, meninggal dunia minggu lalu dalam usia 80 tahun.)

Watts was born in London, UK, in 1941, and he joined the band in January 1963. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Brian Jones were in the band, but they were not very experienced back then.

(Watts lahir di London, Inggris, di tahun 1941, dan dia bergabung dengan band ini pada bulan Januari 1963. Bersama Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, dan Brian Jones, saat itu mereka belum terlalu berpengalaman.)

With Watts, the band started to become more successful. Many people thought that Watts was one of the greatest and most talented drummers. It was interesting that he never went to a music school, and he learned to play drums by watching other drummers.

(Hadirnya Watts, membuat band menjadi lebih sukses. Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa Watts adalah salah seorang penabuh drum terbesar dan paling berbakat. Menarik diketahui bahwa dirinya tidak pernah belajar musik formal, dan dia belajar bermain drum dengan melihat penabuh drum lainnya.)

In the 1960s, the Rolling Stones became one of the biggest bands, and they were popular in all the world. A few weeks ago, the band announced that Watts would not be in the band´s US tour because he needed to recover from a surgery. It was not clear what exactly happened to him.

(Tahun 1960-an, Rolling Stones menjadi satu dari band terbesar, dan mereka popular di seluruh dunia. Beberapa minggu lalu, band mengumumkan bahwa Watts tidak akan bergabung dalam tur Amerika Serikat karena dirinya perlu pemulihan pasca operasi. Tidak dinyatakan dengan jelas apa yang sebenarnya terjadi padanya.)

Kata-kata sulit: experienced (berpengalaman), talented (berbakat), recover (pemulihan).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menonton video asli di Level 3.)

The post Rolling Stones drummer dies (Penabuh drum Rolling Stones tutup usia) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.
