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You searched for were - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ Kami menyajikan berita dunia bahasa Inggris dalam tiga tingkat level. Kami ingin membantu anda lebih mengerti bahasa Inggris. Sekarang semua pelajar dapat menyukai membaca dan mendengarkan berita. Thu, 08 Aug 2024 02:23:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/faviconNiL.png You searched for were - Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/ 32 32 Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/alasan-bus-sekolah-di-as-berwarna-kuning-reasons-for-yellow-us-school-buses-level-2/ Fri, 09 Aug 2024 02:00:33 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25917 09-08-2024 09.00 Over time, most school buses in the US became the same yellow color. In the past, many children walked or used horses to go to school. Later, red, white, and blue busses took children to support patriotism. (Seiring berjalannya waktu, mayoritas bus sekolah di AS berwarna kuning yang sama. Dulu, banyak anak berjalan kaki atau menunggang kuda ke...

The post Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

09-08-2024 09.00

Over time, most school buses in the US became the same yellow color. In the past, many children walked or used horses to go to school. Later, red, white, and blue busses took children to support patriotism.

(Seiring berjalannya waktu, mayoritas bus sekolah di AS berwarna kuning yang sama. Dulu, banyak anak berjalan kaki atau menunggang kuda ke sekolah. Kemudian, bus berwarna merah, putih, dan biru mengangkut anak-anak untuk mendukung patriotisme.)

In 1939, a professor at Columbia University met with teachers, engineers, and other experts. They wrote a document of 42 pages that was about school buses. Experts recommended to make the school buses yellow, because black letters on yellow can be seen easily. Also, yellow buses were more visible in bad weather.

(Di tahun 1939, seorang profesor di Universitas Columbia menemui para guru, insinyur, dan pakar lainnya. Mereka menyusun sebuah dokumen setebal 42 halaman tentang bus sekolah. Para pakar merekomendasikan agar bus sekolah berwarna kuning, karena huruf hitam pada warna kuning dapat terlihat dengan mudah. Selain itu, bus berwarna kuning lebih terlihat saat cuaca buruk.)

The yellow color got its own name, and although no law says that school buses must be yellow, most of the 480,000 school US buses are yellow.

(Warna kuning memiliki namanya sendiri, dan meskipun tidak ada hukum yang menyebutkan bahwa bus sekolah harus berwarna kuning, mayoritas dari 480.000 bus sekolah di Amerika Serikat berwarna kuning.)

Kata-kata sulit: patriotism (patriotisme), recommend (merekomendasikan), visible (terlihat).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/alasan-bus-sekolah-di-as-berwarna-kuning-reasons-for-yellow-us-school-buses-level-3/ Fri, 09 Aug 2024 02:00:26 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25918 09-08-2024 09.00 Have you wondered why US school buses are yellow? (Pernahkah Anda penasaran mengapa bus sekolah di Amerika Serikat berwarna kuning?) In the past, school transportation had no rules, and children walked or rode horse-drawn wagons to school. Later, some districts instilled patriotism with red, white, and blue busses, but the colors changed with Frank Cyr. (Dulu, transportasi sekolah...

The post Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

09-08-2024 09.00

Have you wondered why US school buses are yellow?

(Pernahkah Anda penasaran mengapa bus sekolah di Amerika Serikat berwarna kuning?)

In the past, school transportation had no rules, and children walked or rode horse-drawn wagons to school. Later, some districts instilled patriotism with red, white, and blue busses, but the colors changed with Frank Cyr.

(Dulu, transportasi sekolah tidak memiliki aturan, dan anak-anak berjalan kaki atau menaiki kereta kuda ke sekolah. Kemudian, beberapa distrik menerapkan patriotisme dengan bus berwarna merah, putih, dan biru, tetapi warna-warna tersebut berubah seiring dengan Frank Cyr.)

Cyr was a professor at Columbia University, and in 1939, he organized a conference on the school bus. Teachers, transportation experts, engineers, and paint specialists wrote with 42 pages of school bus regulations. They decided to use yellow because black letters were easy to see on a yellow background, and yellow stood out in bad weather. The color is now officially known as national school bus glossy yellow.

(Cyr adalah seorang profesor di Universitas Columbia, dan pada tahun 1939, ia menggelar sebuah konferensi tentang bus sekolah. Para guru, ahli transportasi, insinyur, dan ahli cat menulis 42 halaman peraturan bus sekolah. Mereka memutuskan untuk memakai warna kuning karena huruf hitam mudah dilihat dengan latar belakang kuning, dan warna kuning terlihat jelas dalam cuaca buruk. Warna tersebut sekarang secara resmi dikenal sebagai warna kuning mengkilap bus sekolah nasional.)

Every day in the US, 480,000 school buses drive children to school. The federal law doesn’t require all busses to be yellow; however, safety experts recommend it.

(Setiap hari di Amerika Serikat, 480.000 bus sekolah mengantar anak-anak ke sekolah. Undang-undang federal tidak mewajibkan semua bus berwarna kuning; namun, para ahli keselamatan merekomendasikannya.)

Kata-kata sulit: instill (menerapkan), patriotism (patriotisme), glossy (mengkilap).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

The post Alasan Bus Sekolah di AS Berwarna Kuning (Reasons for yellow US school buses) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Italia Butuh Lebih Banyak Penjaga Pantai (Italy needs more lifeguards) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/italia-butuh-lebih-banyak-penjaga-pantai-italy-needs-more-lifeguards-level-3/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 02:00:51 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25914 07-08-2024 09.00 In Italy, lifeguards were once admired for their strong and tan looks, but now, they are becoming rare due to a shortage of recruits. (Di Italia, penjaga pantai pernah dikagumi karena penampilan mereka yang kuat dan berkulit cokelat, tetapi sekarang, mereka mulai langka karena kurangnya rekrutmen.) Daniel Gergaia, a 20-year-old lifeguard, takes his job seriously. He trained for...

The post Italia Butuh Lebih Banyak Penjaga Pantai (Italy needs more lifeguards) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

07-08-2024 09.00

In Italy, lifeguards were once admired for their strong and tan looks, but now, they are becoming rare due to a shortage of recruits.

(Di Italia, penjaga pantai pernah dikagumi karena penampilan mereka yang kuat dan berkulit cokelat, tetapi sekarang, mereka mulai langka karena kurangnya rekrutmen.)

Daniel Gergaia, a 20-year-old lifeguard, takes his job seriously. He trained for months in the Adriatic Sea to get his license. However, Italy is facing a 10% shortage of lifeguards this summer because the training hours increased from 30 to 100. Lifeguarding involves significant responsibility and risk, as rescuing a drowning person is challenging. Experienced lifeguard Alberto Biagini, who has worked on the beach for 29 years, notes that young lifeguards prefer working at swimming pools due to the pressures and legal responsibilities. He supports his younger colleagues and stresses that being a lifeguard is not just about enjoying the sun but involves a lot of responsibility.

(Daniel Gergaia, seorang penjaga pantai berusia 20 tahun, melakukan pekerjaannya dengan serius. Dia berlatih selama berbulan-bulan di Laut Adriatik untuk mendapatkan lisensinya. Namun, Italia menghadapi kekurangan 10% penjaga pantai pada musim panas ini karena jam latihannya bertambah dari 30 menjadi 100 jam. Penjaga pantai memiliki tanggung jawab dan risiko yang besar, karena menyelamatkan orang yang tenggelam merupakan hal yang menantang. Penjaga pantai berpengalaman Alberto Biagini, yang telah bekerja di pantai selama 29 tahun, menyebutkan bahwa penjaga pantai muda lebih suka bekerja di kolam renang karena tekanan dan tanggung jawab hukum. Dia mendukung rekan-rekannya yang lebih muda dan menekankan bahwa menjadi penjaga pantai bukan hanya tentang menikmati matahari tetapi juga melibatkan banyak tanggung jawab.)

Last summer, lifeguards in Rimini saved 75 people from drowning. It is harder to find recruits because students now have exams during the summer. Despite these challenges, Danielle enjoys his job and recommends it.

(Musim panas lalu, penjaga pantai di Rimini menyelamatkan 75 orang dari tenggelam. Lebih sulit untuk menemukan kandidat baru karena para siswa sekarang sedang menjalani ujian selama musim panas. Terlepas dari tantangan-tantangan ini, Danielle menikmati pekerjaannya dan merekomendasikannya.)

Kata-kata sulit: shortage (kurang), recruit (rekrutmen), license (lisensi).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

The post Italia Butuh Lebih Banyak Penjaga Pantai (Italy needs more lifeguards) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Mbappe menjalin kontrak dengan Real Madrid (Mbappe signs a deal with Real Madrid) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/mbappe-menjalin-kontrak-dengan-real-madrid-mbappe-signs-a-deal-with-real-madrid-level-2/ Sat, 15 Jun 2024 02:00:44 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25894 15-06-2024 09.00 French football player Kylian Mbappe has signed a five-year deal with Real Madrid. He will move to the Spanish team in July after his contract with Paris Saint-Germain ends. This deal is a big dream for Mbappe. (Pemain sepak bola Perancis, Kylian Mbappe, telah menandatangani kontrak selama lima tahun dengan Real Madrid. Ia akan pindah ke tim asal...

The post Mbappe menjalin kontrak dengan Real Madrid (Mbappe signs a deal with Real Madrid) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

15-06-2024 09.00

French football player Kylian Mbappe has signed a five-year deal with Real Madrid. He will move to the Spanish team in July after his contract with Paris Saint-Germain ends. This deal is a big dream for Mbappe.

(Pemain sepak bola Perancis, Kylian Mbappe, telah menandatangani kontrak selama lima tahun dengan Real Madrid. Ia akan pindah ke tim asal Spanyol tersebut pada bulan Juli mendatang setelah kontraknya dengan Paris Saint-Germain berakhir. Kesepakatan ini merupakan sebuah mimpi besar bagi Mbappe.)

Real Madrid wanted to sign Mbappe for many years. This news comes just after Real Madrid won the Champions League. Many fans believe that with Mbappe, the team will win many more trophies. Mbappe will earn about 15 million euros a year after tax, plus 100 million euros in bonuses over five years.

(Sudah lama Real Madrid ingin merekrut Mbappe. Kabar ini muncul setelah Real Madrid memenangkan Liga Champions. Banyak penggemar meyakini bersama Mbappe, tim ini akan memenangkan lebih banyak gelar. Mbappe akan mendapatkan sekitar 15 juta euro per tahun dipotong pajak, ditambah 100 juta euro dalam bentuk bonus selama lima tahun.)

Fans were very happy about this and they flooded the Real Madrid website and social media with their excitement. Now, everyone is waiting to see how Mbappe will play with the team and coach Carlo Ancelotti.

(Para fans sangat senang dengan hal ini dan mereka membanjiri situs web dan media sosial Real Madrid dengan kegembiraan mereka. Kini, semua orang menantikan bagaimana Mbappe akan bermain bersama tim dan pelatih Carlo Ancelotti.)

Kata-kata sulit: tax (pajak), bonus (bonus).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Mbappe menjalin kontrak dengan Real Madrid (Mbappe signs a deal with Real Madrid) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Industri Mawar Bulgaria (Bulgaria’s Rose Industry) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/industri-mawar-bulgaria-bulgarias-rose-industry-level-2/ Thu, 30 May 2024 02:00:49 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25880 30-05-2024 09.00 Welcome to Rose Oil Country. Bulgaria is a top producer of rose oil, which people use in many products and cosmetics. (Selamat datang di Negeri Minyak Mawar. Bulgaria adalah produsen utama minyak mawar, yang digunakan dalam banyak produk dan kosmetik.) Last week, farmers were busy picking rose petals. The harvest happened about a month earlier than normal because...

The post Industri Mawar Bulgaria (Bulgaria’s Rose Industry) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

30-05-2024 09.00

Welcome to Rose Oil Country. Bulgaria is a top producer of rose oil, which people use in many products and cosmetics.

(Selamat datang di Negeri Minyak Mawar. Bulgaria adalah produsen utama minyak mawar, yang digunakan dalam banyak produk dan kosmetik.)

Last week, farmers were busy picking rose petals. The harvest happened about a month earlier than normal because of climate change, which made springs warmer and more humid. To make one gram of rose oil, farmers must pick more than 1,000 petals by hand. They start early, around 7:00 am because that is when the oil is best.

(Pekan lalu, para petani sibuk memetik kelopak bunga mawar. Penen ini berlangsung sebulan lebih awal dari biasanya karena perubahan iklim, yang mengakibatkan musim semi lebih hangat dan lembab. Untuk menghasilkan satu gram minyak mawar, para petani harus mengumpulkan lebih dari 1.000 kelopak bunga mawar dengan tangan. Mereka memulainya di pagi hari, sekitar pukul 7:00 pagi karena pada waktu ini minyak yang dihasilkan merupakan yang terbaik.)

It usually takes about three tons of rose flowers to make one kilogram of rose oil. This year, the weather was better, so farmers got more oil. The right mix of heat and humidity is very important for good quality. Experts say that people grew roses since the 5th to 3rd Century BC, and the first oil factory opened in 1820.

(Biasanya dibutuhkan sekitar tiga ton bunga mawar untuk menghasilkan satu kilogram minyak mawar. Tahun ini, cuaca cukup bagus, sehingga para petani mendapatkan lebih banyak minyak. Perpaduan yang tepat antara panas dan kelembapan sangat penting untuk mendapatkan kualitas yang baik. Para ahli mengatakan bahwa manusia telah menanam mawar sejak abad ke-5 hingga abad ke-3 sebelum Masehi, dan pabrik minyak pertama dibuka pada tahun 1820.)

Kata-kata sulit: petal (kelopak), humid (hangat), humidity (kelembapan).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3)

The post Industri Mawar Bulgaria (Bulgaria’s Rose Industry) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Industri Mawar Bulgaria (Bulgaria’s Rose Industry) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/industri-mawar-bulgaria-bulgarias-rose-industry-level-3/ Thu, 30 May 2024 02:00:31 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25881 30-05-2024 09.00 Bulgaria is one of the top producers of fragrant rose oil, used in various products and the cosmetics industry. (Bulgaria adalah salah satu produsen utama wewangian minyak mawar, yang digunakan dalam berbagai produk dan industri kosmetik.) Last week, farmers were busy harvesting petals about a month earlier than usual due to climate change, which has brought warmer and...

The post Industri Mawar Bulgaria (Bulgaria’s Rose Industry) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

30-05-2024 09.00

Bulgaria is one of the top producers of fragrant rose oil, used in various products and the cosmetics industry.

(Bulgaria adalah salah satu produsen utama wewangian minyak mawar, yang digunakan dalam berbagai produk dan industri kosmetik.)

Last week, farmers were busy harvesting petals about a month earlier than usual due to climate change, which has brought warmer and more humid springs. To make one gram of rose oil, more than 1,000 petals must be picked by hand. Farmers start early because the essential oil content is highest around 7:00 am.

(Pekan lalu, para petani sibuk memanen kelopak bunga mawar sekitar satu bulan lebih awal dari biasanya karena perubahan iklim, yang menyebabkan musim semi lebih hangat dan lembab. Untuk menghasilkan satu gram minyak mawar, lebih dari 1.000 kelopak bunga mawar harus dipetik dengan tangan. Para petani memulainya lebih awal karena kandungan minyak atsiri paling tinggi sekitar pukul 7:00 pagi.)

Usually, it takes about three tons of rose flowers to produce one kilogram of rose oil. This year, conditions were more favorable, resulting in better yields. The right combination of heat and humidity is crucial for the quality of the petals and oil. This year’s improved output was due to an unseasonably warm winter and a very warm March. Historians note that roses have been cultivated since the 5th to 3rd Century BC, with the first oil factory opening in 1820.

(Biasanya, dibutuhkan sekitar tiga ton bunga mawar untuk menghasilkan satu kilogram minyak mawar. Tahun ini, kondisinya lebih mendukung, sehingga menghasilkan hasil panen yang lebih baik. Kombinasi yang tepat antara panas dan kelembapan sangat penting untuk kualitas kelopak bunga dan minyak. Hasil panen yang lebih baik tahun ini disebabkan oleh musim dingin yang tidak seperti biasanya dan bulan Maret yang sangat hangat. Para sejarawan mencatat bahwa mawar telah dibudidayakan sejak abad ke-5 hingga abad ke-3 sebelum Masehi, dengan pabrik minyak pertama dibuka pada tahun 1820.)

Kata-kata sulit: fragrant (wewangian), yield (hasil panen), cultivate (budidaya).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

 (Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah)

The post Industri Mawar Bulgaria (Bulgaria’s Rose Industry) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Petani di Eropa Khawatir (Farmers in Europe Worry) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/petani-di-eropa-khawatir-farmers-in-europe-worry-level-2/ Thu, 02 May 2024 02:00:55 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25863 02-05-2024 09.00 Fruit farmers in Europe worry about their harvests because of unexpected frost during spring. (Petani buah di Eropa mengkhawatirkan panen mereka karena serangan embun beku mendadak selama musim semi.) The cold weather caused concerns if there would be enough food in Europe. In Balkan countries, a sudden drop in temperatures brought snow and ice. The frost damaged fruit...

The post Petani di Eropa Khawatir (Farmers in Europe Worry) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

02-05-2024 09.00

Fruit farmers in Europe worry about their harvests because of unexpected frost during spring.

(Petani buah di Eropa mengkhawatirkan panen mereka karena serangan embun beku mendadak selama musim semi.)

The cold weather caused concerns if there would be enough food in Europe. In Balkan countries, a sudden drop in temperatures brought snow and ice. The frost damaged fruit trees in Croatia and Poland. Temperatures were as low as -8 degrees Celsius. Dutch farmers found a clever way of protecting their fruit trees. They sprayed them with water which froze, and the ice kept the buds warm. Experts say that these extreme conditions may continue all week.

(Cuaca dingin menimbulkan kekhawatiran apakah akan tersedia cukup pangan di Eropa. Di negara-negara Balkan, penurunan suhu tiba-tiba mendatangkan salju dan es. Embun beku ini merusak pohon buah-buahan di Kroasia dan Polandia. Suhu mencapai -8 derajat Celcius. Para petani Belanda menemukan cara cerdas untuk melindungi pohon buah mereka. Mereka menyemprotnya dengan air yang beku, dan es tersebut membuat tunas tetap hangat. Para ahli mengatakan bahwa kondisi ekstrim ini mungkin akan terus berlanjut sepanjang minggu.)

Kata-kata sulit: harvest (panen), unexpected (mendadak), bud (tunas).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Petani di Eropa Khawatir (Farmers in Europe Worry) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Hubungan Jerman – Cina (German-Chinese relations) – level 2 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/hubungan-jerman-cina-german-chinese-relations-level-2/ Thu, 25 Apr 2024 02:00:51 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25851 25-04-2024 09.00 Germany’s leader Olaf Scholz went to China when relations between Europe and Beijing were not very good. (Pemimpin Jerman Olaf Scholz berkunjung ke Cina saat hubungan antara Eropa dan Beijing sedang kurang baik.) After meeting with China’s Premier, they talked about how both countries need to do business with each other. China’s President Xi Jinping warned against doing...

The post Hubungan Jerman – Cina (German-Chinese relations) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

25-04-2024 09.00

Germany’s leader Olaf Scholz went to China when relations between Europe and Beijing were not very good.

(Pemimpin Jerman Olaf Scholz berkunjung ke Cina saat hubungan antara Eropa dan Beijing sedang kurang baik.)

After meeting with China’s Premier, they talked about how both countries need to do business with each other. China’s President Xi Jinping warned against doing anything that could hurt trade between China and Germany. Germany made a plan last year to not rely too much on China.

(Setelah pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri China, mereka berbincang mengenai bagaimana kedua negara ini perlu berbisnis satu sama lain. Presiden Cina Xi Jinping mewanti-wanti agar tidak bertindak sesuatu yang dapat merugikan perdagangan antara Cina dan Jerman. Jerman menyusun rencana tahun lalu agar tidak terlalu bergantung pada Cina.)

Scholz also talked about an attack on Israel by Iran, and he said that everyone should calm down. He also talked about the war in Ukraine. Scholz said that it is important to be practical when dealing with China, but it is not clear if things will get better.

(Scholz juga membahas mengenai serangan ke Israel oleh Iran, dan ia mengatakan bahwa semua pihak harus tenang. Dia juga menyinggung perang di Ukraina. Scholz mengatakan bahwa penting untuk bersikap bijak ketika berurusan dengan Cina, namun tidak jelas apakah situasi akan semakin membaik.)

Kata-kata sulit: rely (bergantung), calm down (tenang), practical (bijak).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video aslinya di Level 3.)

The post Hubungan Jerman – Cina (German-Chinese relations) – level 2 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/bulan-ramadan-usai-ramadan-ends-level-3/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:00:48 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25832 17-04-2024 09.00 Eid al-Fitr, a festival that marks the end of Ramadan, was celebrated globally with prayers, family reunions, and festive activities. (Idul Fitri, sebuah perayaan yang menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadan, dirayakan secara global dengan doa, reuni keluarga, dan berbagai kegiatan meriah.) However, the ongoing war in Gaza cast a shadow over the holiday for many Muslims. Despite the festive...

The post Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

17-04-2024 09.00

Eid al-Fitr, a festival that marks the end of Ramadan, was celebrated globally with prayers, family reunions, and festive activities.

(Idul Fitri, sebuah perayaan yang menandai berakhirnya bulan Ramadan, dirayakan secara global dengan doa, reuni keluarga, dan berbagai kegiatan meriah.)

However, the ongoing war in Gaza cast a shadow over the holiday for many Muslims. Despite the festive atmosphere, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the threat of Israel’s ground offensive in Rafah dampened the celebrations. Turkey’s President Erdogan expressed support for Gaza, and he emphasized the need for peace and tranquility. Similar sentiments were echoed in Kenya and Indonesia. In Malaysia, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim called for unity and respect among diverse groups.

(Namun, perang yang sedang berlangsung di Gaza membayangi hari raya bagi banyak umat Muslim. Terlepas dari suasana yang meriah, krisis kemanusiaan di Gaza dan ancaman serangan darat Israel di Rafah meredam perayaan tersebut. Presiden Turki Erdogan menyatakan dukungannya terhadap Gaza, dan ia menekankan perlunya perdamaian dan ketentraman. Sentimen serupa juga bergema di Kenya dan Indonesia. Di Malaysia, Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim menyerukan persatuan dan rasa hormat di antara berbagai kelompok.)

While joyous, the celebrations were marked by awareness of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, highlighting the importance of solidarity and compassion.

(Meskipun penuh sukacita, perayaan ini juga diwarnai dengan kesadaran akan krisis yang sedang berlangsung di Gaza, menyoroti pentingnya solidaritas dan kasih sayang.)

Kata-kata sulit: cast a shadow (membayangi), dampen (meredam), tranquility (ketentraman), sentiment (sentimen).

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The post Ramadan Usai (Ramadan ends) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

Pil Berbahaya (Dangerous pills) – level 3 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/products/pil-berbahaya-dangerous-pills-level-3/ Thu, 04 Apr 2024 02:00:45 +0000 https://www.beritabahasainggris.id/?post_type=products&p=25827 04-04-2024 09.00 Japanese authorities have ordered Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to recall three dietary supplements due to their connection to two fatalities and over 100 hospitalizations. (Pihak berwenang Jepang telah memerintahkan Kobayashi Pharmaceutical untuk menarik kembali tiga suplemen makanan karena hubungannya dengan dua kematian dan lebih dari 100 orang menjalani rawat inap.) These supplements contain red yeast rice and they were supposed...

The post Pil Berbahaya (Dangerous pills) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.

04-04-2024 09.00

Japanese authorities have ordered Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to recall three dietary supplements due to their connection to two fatalities and over 100 hospitalizations.

(Pihak berwenang Jepang telah memerintahkan Kobayashi Pharmaceutical untuk menarik kembali tiga suplemen makanan karena hubungannya dengan dua kematian dan lebih dari 100 orang menjalani rawat inap.)

These supplements contain red yeast rice and they were supposed to help lower cholesterol. The key ingredient, Beni koji, contains a red mold used in food coloring. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical is investigating a potential link between the products and kidney issues. The recall also affects other products using Beni koji.

(Suplemen ini mengandung ragi beras merah dan seharusnya membantu menurunkan kolesterol. Bahan utamanya, Beni koji, mengandung jamur merah yang digunakan sebagai pewarna makanan. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical sedang menyelidiki potensi hubungan antara produk tersebut dan masalah ginjal. Penarikan ini juga berdampak pada produk lain yang menggunakan Beni koji.)

Kobayashi’s share prices fell after the company voluntarily recalled its supplements. The Health Minister urged the company to share information quickly, and the Ministry of Health cautioned people against using Beni koji products.

(Harga saham Kobayashi jatuh setelah perusahaan menarik kembali suplemennya secara sukarela. Menteri Kesehatan mendesak perusahaan untuk membagikan informasi dengan cepat, dan Kementerian Kesehatan memperingatkan masyarakat agar tidak menggunakan produk Beni koji.)

Kata-kata sulit: potential (potensi), voluntarily (secara sukarela), caution (peringatan).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

The post Pil Berbahaya (Dangerous pills) – level 3 appeared first on Berita Dunia Bahasa Inggris Bagi Pelajar.
